EatSense | UI UX Case Study

Sensible Food Ordering & Monitoring App

Anmol Saxena
4 min readAug 11, 2023


EatSense is a food ordering and monitoring app that will help users pick the proper diet for their body types, conditions & purposes. It also offers users to get in touch with professionals like doctors & dietitians


This project distinctively revolves around healthy meal availability through their digital products backed by well-organized physical infrastructure built within the city.


During my fat loss journey, I was experiencing an inconvenience in finding quality and nutritious food options and during those days I exclusively required nutrition to sustain myself due to my fat loss goal and fitness routine. After experiencing such a situation, I realized there must be a lot more users who go through this problem every day. To solve this issue EatSense comes into the picture which offers certified diets and meals to their users.

Problem Statement

  • Unavailability of healthy food options
  • Inaccuracy in nutritional value based on a diet plan
  • Inconvenience in cooking food on my own

User Research

Research Survey

I created a short survey form with just four questions in it, keeping my user’s time constraints and attention span. Answering just four questions was no less than child’s play.

User Persona

The results of my survey suggested that there were several types of users with diverse needs. The accumulation of the different insights and common patterns that came from the users’ answers helped me create two personas which are the manifestation of that data in a character.

Empathy Mapping

I understood the pain points and daily lifestyle of my users to get a detailed idea of what my user says, thinks, does, and feels.

User Journey Mapping

After defining personas and empathy maps, I created a user journey map to simulate realistic scenarios and identify the potential problems users may encounter during their most common interactions.

User Flow

Ordering a meal using EatSense App for the first time.

Information Architecture

Information architecture focuses on organizing, structuring, and labeling content in an effective and sustainable way.


Wireframes are an essential part of the design process for our app. They provide a visual representation of the app’s layout, functionality, and flow, allowing us to effectively communicate and validate the design concepts before moving into the development phase.

Design System

A design system is a set of guidelines that provides direction and consistency for design elements, including typography, color schemes, layout, iconography, and interactions.

Color Palette


Grid System

Final Design

After utilizing the research done and defining the design system for this product, our final designs are finally ready for the Showcase.

Onboarding & Login

Splash Screen | Onboarding Screen | Login Screen

Personal Details & Goal Setting

Personal Details 1 | Personal Details 2 | Goal Setting Screen

Main Screens

Home Page | Meals Screen | Consult Screen | Tracker

My Learnings

This case study has been a tremendous learning experience, allowing me to acquire invaluable knowledge and insights. While I recognize that there is still plenty of room for growth, I am enthusiastic about implementing the lessons gleaned from this study into my future projects.

Thanks for reading till the end

