What is the difference between a static web page and a dynamic web page?

Ann Taylor
7 min readJan 13, 2024


Have you ever wondered why some websites appear locked in time while others change and update constantly? Or have you noticed how certain websites constantly appear the same no matter how many times you visit them, and others vary depending on your interactions or changes from the site’s owner? It’s not a bug in the matrix, after all. It all depends on whether the web pages are static or dynamic.

This article will take you on an illuminating tour through the fascinating world of web development and design, explaining what distinguishes a static web page from a dynamic one.

What does a static website do?

Static websites have a set number of pre-rendered web pages with hardcoded content and layouts that can’t be changed. Users see the same material no matter who they are, where they come from, or what browser they use.

When web designers make static website pages, they usually use HTML to set up the structure and CSS to add colour and other visual elements. Most of the time, static online pages are made without connecting to a database.

If you post a static website, it doesn’t change based on what users do repeatedly. You must manually change the HTML source code on each website page to see something different. This could take a long time, especially when changing a big website.

Static Website Advantages

  • Building and launching static websites takes less time than changing them.
  • You can copy the basic code of your static web pages to keep some things the same and make small changes to make them stand out.
  • Most of the time, static websites are safer.
  • Many static websites load faster, making ranking them easier for search engines.
  • You don’t need complicated tools to make static websites.
  • Building static sites costs less.
  • A static website lets you change how each page looks and how it’s laid out.
  • Redeploying the software makes it easier to get a static website back up and running after a crash or DDoS attack.

What does a dynamic website do?

Pages on dynamic websites are made in real-time. Because the content and structure are flexible, what a user sees and does can be changed based on what they ask for or the computer they use. A server-side programming language like PHP, C#, or Python is generally needed for a dynamic website. Dynamic websites usually get their material from an outside database or a content management system (CMS).

When you make a dynamic website, the server-side code can make HTML pages built in real-time to meet the needs of each user. Unlike static websites, dynamic websites have features that can be interacted with and are constantly changing. Because of this, web developers usually use client-side and server-side programming together to give website users a truly interactive experience.

Dynamic websites make material and show it to users based on what they do. What kind of changes happen depends on how skilled the developers are and how complicated the engaging parts of a dynamic website are.

Think about the image you may have made for yourself on a site like Walmart or Amazon. When you go to the page, it shows you suggestions based on what you’ve bought before. You can also see information about your account or sales already made. Based on what you’ve done on the site before, it gives you a unique experience.

Dynamic Websites Advantages

  • They add more features to websites and let users connect with them.
  • You can ask for and keep information structured on dynamic sites.
  • Their material is shown based on what the user wants.
  • By letting you join a CMS, these websites give you more control over your site.
  • They let more than one person change the text.
  • Changing a dynamic website cost more than changing a static website.
  • Dynamic websites are more likely to get users and customers to come back.

How are static and dynamic websites different from each other?

Static websites don’t change their content unless the creator changes the source code, which is the main difference between static and dynamic websites. A dynamic site can change its content based on the needs, locations, and times of the day of different people.

Most of the time, static material is uploaded simultaneously to the webpage. What a person sees is always downloaded and shown in the same way, no matter what they do. The format of the information on dynamic websites changes based on what the website administrator does and what the user does.

An information cache from a static website is easier to use. It might be harder to do the same thing for a dynamic website. Some content delivery networks (CDNs) have edge servers that can store or “cache” static content. This makes the content faster to reach.

Users can get faster site loading by caching information. That’s because edge computers are spread out in different parts of the world. Because of this, CDNs give users in the same area faster and more reliable answers. It’s not as useful to do the same thing for a dynamic website, though, since the information changes so often. When you cache a user’s private information, there are also security risks.

There is another big difference between static and dynamic websites: static websites get their information from the server and nowhere else. When you receive dynamic content from the server, on the other hand, it has to go through several layers of application logic first.

Examples of static content:

HTML pages


Audio files

Video files

Static online forms

Downloads (software, spreadsheets, documents)‌

Examples of dynamic content:


User account info

Translated web pages


Video and voice messaging apps

Real-time data (weather forecasts, health data, stock prices)

When should you use a static or dynamic website?

A static website may be the best solution if your website has just a few pages. Static websites are frequently used to make public information available. Private companies and entrepreneurs frequently use dynamic websites since the information fed into them is typically secret. Users frequently log in to dynamic websites to access more restricted information.

Assume you want to develop a basic blog that looks good and complements your business. For that objective, a static website is the best option. Another reason you might select a static website is if you need to create a landing page with basic information about your company or the products and services you provide.

A dynamic website is preferable if you intend to construct an eCommerce site with a continually changing inventory. You might give suggestions to visitors based on previous purchases from their website. If a consumer abandons product in their shopping basket, you might configure the dynamic site to send reminders to that visitor, encouraging them to return and complete their purchase. You should also use a dynamic website to develop a progressive web application (PWA) or other applications.

Determine whether you need a static or dynamic website based on your needs. You can get a website up and running quickly using static website generators. A dynamic website is a more difficult process, but it allows for greater flexibility and adaptability to changing needs.

Exploring static and dynamic websites

Let’s go on an adventure better to grasp the complexities of static and dynamic websites. We’ll closely examine a few typical examples, each of which serves as a model for others. They highlight the inherent characteristics of their respective categories and how developers may best use these models to build engaging and purposeful user experiences.

Static websites

Personal Blogging: The foundation of static websites is personal blogging. Every post has a robust HTML structure, a lasting tribute to shared knowledge.

Websites for Corporations: Consider the straightforwardness of a charming small company website. Each page acts as a chapter in their continuing story. Consider the website of your neighbourhood bakery. Their static website speaks volumes about their appealing offers, heritage, and welcoming invitation to visit.

Landing Pages: Landing pages are a perfect example of static website strength. Like Dropbox Business’s landing page, each page is a painstakingly planned user experience designed to elicit action. It emphasizes the fundamental goal — directing visitors to a specified conclusion — by removing extra complications.

Dynamic websites

eCommerce Platforms: Dynamic content is king in the world of eCommerce. Each product recommendation and individualized offer result from precisely selected, complicated algorithms. Amazon, the eCommerce behemoth, exhibits this strategy by customizing each user’s buying experience.

Social Media Platforms: Social media platforms are the pinnacle of dynamic web content. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all rely on real-time user interactions. Each post, connection, and ‘like’ influences the content shown to each user, resulting in a personalized, ever-changing stream of content.

News Websites: News websites are another excellent example of dynamic material. For example, CNN continually updates and adapts, offering fresh content targeted at your area. This continuous update is the lifeblood of modern digital media.

eLearning: Websites like Coursera exemplify the advantages of dynamic web material. They provide a personalized, interactive education journey by tailoring the learning experience to the progress and preferences of each user.

The decision between these approaches for your digital project is based on an awareness of their strengths and capabilities. Making an informed, intentional decision regarding sharing information or providing an engaging, tailored service is critical.


The major distinction between static and dynamic websites is the extent of interaction and content flexibility. Although simple and straightforward to create, static web pages do not change until the developer manually edits them. On the other hand, dynamic web pages provide a more engaging experience because they may be updated or changed based on user behaviour and preferences. The demands and aims of your website will determine the type of content you use. As a result, before deciding between a static or dynamic web design, it is necessary to grasp your website’s requirements thoroughly.

Ann Taylor
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