Iranian People want to overthrow the Ayatollah’s regime

Anna Celińska
2 min readNov 18, 2019


Ongoing protests in Iran since November 15, 2019 are gaining momentum and already covered over than 80 major cities. People demand the government’s resignation, after the regime annouced decision to ration gasoline and raise price by 50%.

Tabriz | Burned police car. | Source:

The first protests broke out on Friday evening (15.11) in the southeast of the country (Sirjan) and gradually began to spread towards Teheran. Demonstrators attempted to set fire to a petrol station, but were detained by police, according to the state information agency IRNA. Meanwhile, video (which has been published on Friday at Twitter) shows burning buildings. Independent Iranian sources said, the one person killed in clashes with security forces.

Sirjan | The protesters burned one of the gas stations. | Source:

In response to public reactions, Iran’s authorities blocked all internet connections and they are disrupting connections to cellular networks. Currently, communications with Iran remain at 5%, but the inhabitants of the towns located on the border with Iraq, use Iraqi calling cards to contact the outside world.

However, a desperate attempt of the Iranian regime did not stem the further escalation of protests. On Saturday, the demonstrations intensified, covering over than 80 major cities across the country.

Iran | Map of Iran`s regions and cities involved in #IranProtests on Nov. 15 and Nov. 16. | Source:

The Iranians blocked the main streets around the country and set fire to the buildings belonging to the institutions associated with the regime, i.a. the Maskan Bank in Tehran and Saderat Bank in Tabriz.

Teheran | The burning building of Maskan Bank. | Source:

According to information from the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the protests are led by The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), also known as the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK). People chant “death to Ayatollah Khamenei” and “away from Basij (Niruyeh Moghavemat Basij)”.

Maryam Rajavi, iranian oppositionist and the President-elect of the NCRI, called on the nation for universal mobilization and joining the anti-government protests. Prominent Iranian anti-regime activist, Masih Alinejad called on Twitter to shut down Khamenei accounts after blocking the Internet connection in Iran.

The right of access to information results directly from the inalienable right to truth, and this is one of the fundamental human rights that guarantees freedom and equality for all people without exception.

The international community should support Iranian protesters and stand in solidarity with them in the fight for dignity, as well as for the fundamental human rights.

