From Local to Global

A Brief Overview of Local SEO

Anna Juhász
6 min readNov 10, 2023
Image by Storyset

Are you ready to embark on a journey that could take your small local business to global success? It all begins with understanding what local SEO is and why it’s so crucial for all businesses.

What is Local SEO?

First things first — what is local SEO. It’s all about making your business more visible in your local area through online searches.

Why Local SEO Matters

You might be wondering, why should you care about local SEO? The simple answer is that it can help your business thrive and connect with people right in your neighborhood.

The Benefits of Local SEO

It brings you closer to your community, boosts your online presence, and helps you stand out in the digital crowd.

Picking the Right Keywords and Improving Your Website

Choosing the Right Keywords

Selecting the right keywords is the cornerstone of a successful local SEO strategy. Here’s a brief guide to help you in this crucial step:

Understand Your Business

  • Start by understanding the products or services your business offers. What…

