Personalization Talks #15 with Shwetank Tamer

Shwetank Tamer, the Founder of Cooee, emphasizes the importance of effective personalization unnoticed by customers, wrong focusing only on customer acquisition, and personalization as an ongoing process rather than a one-time task.

CRO & Personalization
3 min readFeb 26, 2023

Welcome to Personalization Talk #15, where we had the pleasure of speaking with Shwetank Tamer, the Founder of Cooee, the platform that utilizes AI technology to enable e-commerce companies to offer personalized and effective user engagement.

In our conversation with Shwetank, he emphasizes the importance of effective personalization, noting that it often goes unnoticed by customers. He also warns against solely focusing on customer acquisition and highlights that personalization is an ongoing process rather than a one-time task.

Why do companies need to implement and use personalization?

I firmly believe that every individual is unique. Our likes & dislikes, tastes & preferences, along with demographic factors, influence our decision making and how we react.

The success of a digital brand is also largely attributed to how it can connect with a large audience of buyers individually. And this is where personalization comes into play.

What is your favorite personalization example?

Netflix, the way they combine different aspects of preferences and blend that with content to generate new creatives and recommendations for every user at scale is mind-blowing. And the best part is this is done so inherently that users don't even know about it.

As it said, "if personalization is good, no one notices it; if it's bad, people complain."

What is crucial to take in mind working with personalization?

The most important fundamental of personalization is data.

What data, how, and when it was collected is pivotal for personalization. If data is incorrect, no amount of advanced tech will be able to deliver the right output for personalization.

From what do you recommend companies start working with personalization?

Have a mechanism to gather customer data from day 0.

A common mistake I have seen many companies make is focusing only on customer acquisition for the first couple of years or looking at google analytics to see some KPIs. But they need to integrate with a platform that custom collects the right data for their business and can generate actionable insights from it that continuously improves with time.

Which roles in the company should be involved in the successful personalization project?

Personalization is not a one-time activity or a task. It's more of a thought process that should allow companies to deliver a unique and data-driven experience in every aspect of the business possible.

Thus for me, any customer-facing team that can be the product, growth, customer service, CVM, CRO, etc., should be involved in personalization projects.

About Cooee

Cooee is the first platform that engages with 100% of your users.

Most personalization tools fail to deliver more than 1–2% uplift in conversions as they are effective only on returning users. Average ecommerce brand has only 20% repeat usage, how can we engage with the 80% first time visitors?

Cooee delivers intent based campaigns that are 1-to-1 personalised both for visitors & returning users.



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