5 Questions to Ask Yourself When You Want to Take Mindful Action but Avoid Overthinking.

Anna @Backtosenses
2 min readNov 9, 2022

Overthinking is terrible, but not thinking enough can be deadly.

Overthinking vs. Chasing Shiny Objects — Striking the balance.

Overthinking is like riding a stationary bike: you can train your muscles, but it won’t get you very far. Overthinking is an avoidance tactic.

Taking action without enough thinking is like jumping on a bike without checking if there’s a cliff ahead of you. It can take you far, but not necessarily in the desired direction.

We often skip many steps, jump from an idea to action, and lose momentum quickly.

The honeymoon phase is over, you lack motivation, and the second phase begins: whipping!

You try discipline & willpower, but you lose them just as quickly as your motivation.

Plus, there’s already something BETTER dangling in front of you. It looks very promising, so you jump at it- and the process begins again.

Thinking and doing — the Yin and Yang of progress.

We tend to overthink things that promise hard work and commitment and don’t think enough of the things that promise us rainbows and unicorns.

Here’s a list of questions that can help you decide whether to jump into action or not:

  • Do you know what you want?
  • Do you know why you want it?
  • Do you know how much you want it?
  • Do you believe it’s possible (for you)?
  • Do you believe it’s worth it?

Then you can move to the next crucial step:


Action should also be followed by regular reflection and course correction.

Because no matter how much you think things through, taking action will show you something different.



Anna @Backtosenses

Turning Ambitious Procrastinators into Doers. Start small, stay focused, grow stronger and build from there. MINDSET IS YOUR BIGGEST ASSET