Emulators and Simulators vs Real Devices — Quick Guide to the Top Differences

4 min readAug 3, 2023


Emulators and Simulators vs Real Devices

When it comes to testing software and applications, developers often face the dilemma of choosing between emulators, simulators, or real devices. Each of these options comes with its own set of advantages and limitations. In this article, I will try to explain the key differences between emulators, simulators, and real devices, and how they impact the testing process.

Let’s start with What Are Emulators & Simulators?

Understanding Emulators and Simulators

Understanding Emulators and Simulators


An emulator is a software application that replicates the behavior of a real device, such as a smartphone or a tablet, on a computer. It enables developers to test their applications in a simulated environment that mimics the hardware and operating system of the target device. Emulators are commonly used during the early stages of development when access to real devices might be limited.

The Benefits

Emulators offer several benefits, including cost-effectiveness and ease of use. They allow developers to identify and fix bugs before deploying the application to real devices, saving both time and resources. However, it is essential to note that emulators may not provide a completely accurate representation of real-world scenarios, as they do not account for device-specific variations.


A simulator, like an emulator, also replicates the behavior of a real device. However, simulators focus more on mimicking the software aspects rather than the hardware. Simulators are especially prevalent in the context of web development and testing, where they can imitate different browsers and operating systems.

The advantages of using simulators

Similar to emulators, simulators are advantageous for their convenience and cost-effectiveness. They enable developers to test their applications across various virtual environments without the need for multiple physical devices. However, just like emulators, simulators may not perfectly mirror the behavior of real devices, which can lead to discrepancies in testing results.

While emulators and simulators offer practical testing solutions, they cannot replace the significance of testing on real devices. So what does real device testing means…

Real Devices: The Gold Standard

Real Devices: The Gold Standard

Real devices provide the most accurate representation of how an application will perform in the hands of actual users. They account for hardware variations, network conditions, and other real-world factors that can significantly impact the user experience.

Testing on real devices is essential for ensuring the reliability and functionality of the application in diverse scenarios. It helps identify device-specific issues that might remain unnoticed in emulators or simulators. Additionally, real device testing offers valuable insights into performance, responsiveness, and overall user satisfaction.

The Advantages of Real Devices

1. Accurate Representation

Real devices offer an accurate representation of how your application will perform in the hands of end-users. As real users interact with your app on various devices, you gain valuable insights into its usability, responsiveness, and overall user experience.

2. Real-world Testing

Testing on real devices allows you to replicate real-world scenarios and identify potential issues that might not surface in simulated environments. Factors like network connectivity, battery life, and hardware specifications can significantly impact your application’s performance, and real devices help you uncover these intricacies.

3. Sensor Testing

Many modern applications rely on device sensors like GPS, gyroscope, and accelerometer. Real devices provide an excellent platform to test the integration and functionality of these sensors, ensuring your app delivers accurate test results data and experiences to users.

4. Performance Analysis

When you test on real devices, you can conduct in-depth performance analysis to detect bottlenecks, memory leaks, and resource-intensive operations. This helps you optimize your application for a smoother and faster user experience.

5. Reliable Results

Real devices produce reliable test results, making it easier to replicate and validate any issues that arise during testing. This reliability builds confidence in your app’s performance before its release to the wider audience.

The Disadvantages of Real Devices

  1. Costly Investment: Acquiring and maintaining real devices for testing is expensive.
  2. Limited Coverage: Testing on real devices may not cover all configurations used by the target audience, leading to compatibility issues.
  3. Time-consuming: Testing on multiple real devices and versions can slow down app development.
  4. Physical Constraints: Limited access to certain devices makes comprehensive testing challenging.
  5. Reproducibility: Issues found on real devices might be difficult to consistently reproduce, hindering debugging efforts.


In conclusion, emulators and simulators provide valuable tools for developers to initiate early-stage testing and quick iterations. However, they cannot replace the comprehensive testing and accurate results that real devices offer. To ensure a successful and user-friendly application, a combination of emulators, simulators, and real devices is often the most effective approach.

The choice of software testing tools should align with the specific requirements and objectives of the development process. By utilizing the strengths of each option, developers can deliver high-quality applications that cater to the diverse needs of their users.

Happy testing!!




I am a tech blogger graduated from Brooklyn College, currenty working at Skylights.