What Are Dummy Visa Supporting Documents?

annabelle howden
3 min readMar 1, 2023


Where one might ignore the importance of a dummy ticket just because it requires half payment, they must know they can only receive their visa with a dummy ticket. While submitting the mandatory documents for visa application, many applicants skip on a dummy ticket. Applicants must make flight and hotel reservations for a Schengen visa , also known as the supporting documents for visa application processing.

Ever wondered why these documents are known as supporting documents?

We will let you learn about the role of supporting documents in the visa application process.

This Blog Contains Information On The Following:

  • Role of supporting documents
  • Why are they important for visa application?
  • Failure to submit these documents
  • Which documents fall under the supporting category?

Role Of Supporting Documents:

The purpose of supporting documents is to make the visa application smooth. To make the application progress faster, the applicant has to submit the supporting documents. These documents are mandatory as the application is complete with the submission of these documents. We also consider these documents as the helping hands of the visa application.

Importance Of Supporting Documents:

Supporting documents are known as the helping hands of the applicable visa. They are important because submitting these documents is necessary for the application to progress. Having these documents in front lets the visa officer learn more about the applicant. This way, before the applicant appears for the final interview, the officer has enough knowledge about the applicant.

The Important Documents, Also Known As Supporting Documents, Are As Follows:

  • Dummy Flight Ticket
  • Hotel Booking
  • Cover Letter
  • Educational Certificates (if the applicant is applying for a study or work purposes)

Failure Of Submission Of Documents:

These documents are necessary for the visa application. If these documents are attached to the visa application then only it is useful. If the applicant fails to submit these documents, he may experience a delay in the process or visa rejection.

Documents Under Supporting Category:

All the above documents are supporting and mandatory documents for the visa process. However, the documents which play the role of supporting documents are dummy hotel bookings and flight reservations.

The main element of the blog is known as the supporting documents because, with these documents, the application will progress. These documents work just like the steps of a ladder. One step is complete if the other step is present. Therefore, they are mandatory and necessary for the applicant to submit. Also, the applicants have to submit these documents because the visa officer decides upon granting the visa based on these documents. At first, having a dummy hotel booking in front indicates to the visa officer that the applicant is responsible and has made all the necessary arrangements for the trip, including his stay in the visiting country.

Secondly, suppose the visa officer has a dummy flight ticket in front of him. In that case, he can easily decide on the dates of granting the visa, duration of stay, and the limit before which the applicant has to return to his country. Both documents are accessible to the flight and hotel reservation for visa application for fifteen working days with half payment. Once the applicant receives his visa, he can purchase these dummy documents on full payment. They are essential because they enable the application to move forward on half payment, and the applicant can receive his visa. While for the visa officer, it makes the decision-making process easy and quick.

Every year numerous applications face rejections or delays because the visa applicants must submit these documents along with the application. Many applicants need help understanding the value of submitting these documents and face obstacles in the application. Therefore, they are advised to understand the procedure and apply for a visa. The second major issue applicants face is that they must remember to convert their dummy documents into original ones by making complete payments. Once applicants receive their visas, they must immediately buy their original tickets and confirm their accommodation. As dummy bookings are only used for visa purposes, they are temporary. Their validity is for a shorter period, and they expire. Henceforth, to avoid any inconvenience in the visa application or after receiving the visa, you may not want to experience any other obstacle, so keep an eye on the application, documents, and progress to make your dream a reality!

Originally published at https://allwebtopic.com on March 1, 2023.



annabelle howden

I am a content writer. I love to write on technology, traveling and cars.