Sun in the 12th House,

Anna French
10 min readMay 15, 2022


(the reason that people with this placement can’t talk, and don’t write, but CAN with enough creativity. Come along and follow me, I’ll show ya..)

Part 1…

my coffee cup in the garden photo

There once was a lady called Leona. She liked to read books of all sorts, and some of her favorite books were ones about astrology, homeopathic remedies, soap making, medicinal benefits of herbs and spices, recipes, history, spirituality, science of the mind, psychology, poetry, philosophy, and love.

One day she discovered that her Sun was in the 12th House in her natal birth chart. She read all about it and thought to herself, “hmmm, well that explains a LOT!” She read about what that meant.

In astrology,

SUN = identity

12th House = where things go to dissipate (associated with basements, dungeons, prisons, asylums, no light, and death)

She remembered the story that her grandmother, mother, and aunt told her about something she said when she was 4 years old that made them all laugh. She said, “grandma, if you die tonight, don’t come in here and tell me.” To this day, Leona’s grandmother tells her, “when I die, we’re not gonna tell you, sweetie. You won’t get any word about it, don’t worry!,” as she slaps her knee and keeps the joke running. “ A real knee slapper!,” Leona thinks. Had Leona been a clueless little girl, or was it possible that she understood some things about life after death that escaped most people?

She forgot about that story for a lot of years…

She lived. She loved. She suffered loss. She moved around a lot too. Then she ended up moving to a place where people go to die, a little retirement community with very little sunlight.

She bitched and whined that she felt stuck there after a while, and the longer she lived there, the more she felt her identity being stifled. She had to stay quiet about a lot of things, or she’d surely have to pay a price. Leona felt sorry for herself. She also felt pissed off about that from time to time, until she remembered that she didn’t believe in coincidences. She remembered who she was. She was born with her Sun in the 12th House! She straightened herself up, put a smile on her face, realized her power, and went out into the town to try to be the bloomyist flower in the garden of her community. She remembered that she had a gift. It was a gift she had spent a lifetime sweeping under the carpet, because she didn’t want the world to see it. She didn’t want to HAVE to do something with it, because she didn’t order it. She didn’t ASK to have it. She didn’t claim the gawd damn thing, and she didn’t exercise it either. She just casually acknowledged that it was there, and treated it like it was an obstacle to be gracefully overcome. She came to realize that it was never the obstacle. She happened upon this quote, and that’s when it clicked in her brain…

“What’s in the way, IS the way.” ~ unknown

To have “Sun in the 12th House,” is to have this life purpose:

To usher the trapped souls.

Leona finally started to embrace her gift. She understood that what she had gone through with feeling frustrated about not being able to express herself and feeling trapped for all of those years, was exactly what she needed in order to understand how to be an usher for trapped souls.

So, after her children grew up and left the nest..

photo of my children, taken at a park in Bay Area, CA in 2005

Leona went to work full time in special education where she worked with several non-verbal students who had suffered extreme trauma.

photograph taken by author of this article

Back story: Special Ed student, known in this story as “Everly” was talking at age 2, but then witnessed her mother‘s violent death. She suffered a traumatic brain injury, and has not spoken since that event.

The Gun on Campus Incident

One day, there was a student who brought a gun to the school where Leona works. Everly’s grandmother packs hot food for her breakfast every day. Everly doesn’t seem to want her hot breakfast though. Instead, she lets Leona know (by putting her hand on Leona’s face) that she wants her to get up out of her chair and go get her the same junk that the other kids are eating from the cafeteria. On that particular day, Leona looked around to see if anyone was watching her, to see if she’d get in trouble for fetching her the crap from the cafeteria, but no one was looking. The coast was clear, so she grabbed the junk for Everly. Everly ate her cold cereal with her chocolate milk. Leona started to put away Everly’s hot breakfast that her grandmother so lovingly made, and felt some spirit energy around her say, “She don’t want that. Hey, you take care of her today! You got my baby, I got yours.” Leona almost dropped the stuff she was holding in her hands because she just knew that Everly’s mom’s spirit was all around her right at that moment. Leona thought about her own baby who passed away 25 years ago when she was just 3 days old, and knew that Everly’s mom was connecting with her about being on opposite sides of this earthly veil from their babies — that they’ll get through this and be there for each other. Everly wanted to be outside a lot on this day, and Leona had no idea until the bell rang at the end of the school day that there was a student who was arrested on campus for bringing a gun to school. There was no lockdown. No announcement. There was an all staff meeting at the end of that school day to inform all teachers about the event that took place that morning. Everly was all smiles that day though and looked out of the corner of her eyes a lot, like she knew something. Leona was pretty sure that she knew what Everly might know, and that made Leona feel good about being who she is, even though she’s always tried to escape her gift.

Wake Up!

One cloudy morning in her little gray corner of the world, Leona’s internet was down and her google home alarm didn’t wake her up. It was another school day. She overslept. It was about 5–10 minutes before the time she usually pulled out of her driveway to go to work.

A few days earlier, Leona was sitting in an elective class with Everly. Leona looked over at her before all of the students started entering the classroom, and saw that she had some fuzz and lint in her hair. Leona told her she was gonna pick it out and make her hair pretty, then did it, fluffed her hair and said, “ it’s all pretty now!” A few minutes later, Everly’s hands were all over Leona’s head, fluffing her hair, pulling on it, patting her face, taking off her glasses, and with Everly’s cognitive and physical abilities, Leona knew these physical movements took a great deal of effort for her, the kind of effort that made her fully present when it frequently seems as though no one is home in there, in her body.

Back to the scene: Leona’s sleeping. Oversleeping…. she had just gone to the hair salon to get her hair done. She had been to work once since then, but Everly was absent that day. No one at work said, “your hair looks nice,” or even seemed to notice, which was ok with Leona, she’s used to being invisible since her sun is in the 12th house. So, Leona was getting dangerously close to not making it to work on time and losing that short window of opportunity to stand up, throw on some clothes, and go flying out the door at the last second, to make it to work….but,… she. was. SOUND. asleep!,… and no alarm was going to help her. Just then, Leona felt the sensation of Everly’s hands patting her head, which was a different feeling than any other human touching her head, because Everly lacked fine motor skills and didin’t have a lot of control over her grip or clasp. She felt the pats on her head that felt exactly like when she was sitting next to her in that class. Then Leona dreamed the sound of a raspy teenage girl’s voice that cheerfully and clearly said the words, “Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! I wanna see your pretty hair!”

photo of my hair to go with story that may or may not be fiction

THAT woke Leona up! She looked at the clock, got ready in 5 minutes, zoomed to work without any reckless driving, and made it on time — JUST barely.

When Leona saw Everly, she looked at her right in the eyes from across the room with “sassy teenage girl know-it-all attitude,”…and Leona wondered how much of that she actually knew. It sure as hell seemed like she knew some things that science can’t explain. She doesn’t typically maintain eye contact, look at what people point to, or even look like she’s “home” in there very often, but she did on that day! She looked so amused with herself!! She looked like she believed in her powerfulness, and from that day on, Leona believed in it too, and pondered the idea of astral projection as she remembered her belief that we live in a just universe.

Finding Light in the 12 House

(by taking up space there)

photo taken by me this month from my sunbathing spot on a patio next to a pool in Arizona

Leona’s close friends will sometimes make her do “party tricks,” as she calls it, by asking her if there are any messages from their loved ones from the great beyond. Leona never feels creeped out about any of this, and she doesn’t experience this in her regular day-to-day life on a routine basis. People believe that Leona has this gift, or they’re skeptical, but she doesn’t care. She’s not really into it herself, actually. She finds it a little annoying and distracting at times, but it is what it is. On Mother’s Day, her friend Elsa wanted to know if there was any spirit energy there in her house with her. Leona saw a picture in her mind of white blurred energy zig-zagging around her friend’s house. She described that and her friend said, “my mom was a waitress….”

Those movements that Leona saw were consistent with waitress movements and looked like residual energy, rather than something new. It was like the motion of retracing steps. Leona saw a green turtle figurine in her mind that just popped into her thoughts all of a sudden, that she felt Elsa’s mother wanted her to mention, so she said, “yes, your mom is there with you and you’re going to see a little turtle knick knack to confirm that she was there with you on Mother’s Day.”

A few days later, Elsa’s daughter and grandchildren had to flee from an abusive situation and take shelter in Elsa’s home. The three children left with little more than the clothes on their backs, so they’d be able to safely sneak away from a domestic violence situation. They all got on a plane and traveled to Elsa’s home. When they arrived, Elsa’s 9 year old grandson had a turtle necklace around his neck that he placed on Elsa’s kitchen counter. Elsa took a photo of it and sent her a text that said,

“what was it that my mother said about a green turtle?”

actual photo sent to me in a text from my friend

And with all of the stories that make up the extraordinary life that Leona lives, with her Sun in the 12th House, this is just the tip of the iceberg. And it’s also the beginning of being in new territory…

as she walks in the light, and speaks from it too..

embarking on this new journey of understanding the meaning of ushering trapped souls...

Leona realizes that the way she defines her purpose, is only limited by her own creativity.

She embraces the idea of blooming where she’s planted. Then she discovers..

that she herself is no longer trapped. Instead, she’s powerful beyond measure. And you are too, dear reader. You are! You are!

And with each passing day, she finds her own light becoming brighter and brighter,…bright enough to light the way for someone else.

all photos in this article belong to the author

Leona claimed her place in her purpose, and that’s how she made her way into the light.

to be continued…

(unless I’m committed to an asylum, basement, prison, dungeon, or for some other reason lose my ability to speak,… or lose my wifi)

