Rambling Discourse On The Importance Of Difference

And why it always pays to be yourself

Anna D. Invernizzi
4 min readJan 19, 2019
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

My skin crawls a little at the thought of my own self-conformity for conformity’s sake, and I wonder why it is that we are all bombarded with direction over what to think, to feel and to consume. Like we are all cracked from the same mould and expected to tow the line in line with whatever social norms society sees fit at the time.

I wonder why self-definition is so frowned upon and misunderstood, and why I refer to my unique self-expression as rebellion when really all I’m doing is embracing the innermost ideas about who I am and what I enjoy.

So perhaps my rebellion isn’t rebellion at all; I’m not pushing against ideas I have about who I am and who I’m meant to be, rather I’m actively engaging in an act of self-unification, where I make it my mission to understand my unique character traits and flaws, and I embrace them.

Even if they need work or are destructive, for the short term at least I embrace them, because in attitude I cannot work on anything about myself which I out-and-out reject. It’s like cutting off a part of you, creating a schism which cannot be bridged easily to heal or resolve. So I accept my bad habits and behaviours as a part of me, to enable me to keep myself intact, and from there I can grow.

Let me be clear, accepting the way something ‘is’ does not mean blindly accepting that it is healthy, or natural, or a justifiable part of my life for now or in the future. Awareness of self and love of self in a healthy way can be directed into self-betterment, healing and progression or it can be harnessed into the old draconian methods of self-belittlement, rejection and punishment:

You can achieve results with both, the only difference is how much you suffer in the process.

If we can adopt this type of self-acceptance as an attitude for growth, there’s pretty much nothing we can’t do because we unlimit ourselves. We give our ‘self’ the expressed consent to get it wrong or make mistakes before we have made them, and use that as a tool for rapid testing (albeit a little trial and error based) and continual moving forwards. Never stasis, but the growth mindset applied to daily living.

Navigating with your own compass

Living life on your own terms sounds like a grandiose investment which is just too much for many people. It is the unknown and unknowable which isn’t possibly knowable before you embark upon the journey; sameness is safe or at least a safety net. We may not like to admit it, but we can look ahead and perhaps hazard a guess as to how things will pan out if we pursue a course of action.

Embracing that unknown and saying to yourself “you know what, I have no idea how this is going to end up, but I’m going to give it a go”, is the core essence of experimental nature which drives forth evolution.

Some of the greatest minds and thinkers the world has ever known are the rebels, weirdos and oddballs who dared to dream beyond the realms of conventionally accepted thought. Their visionary ideas, often mocked and ridiculed, yet they all kicked down the door to a new world and left a path behind them for the rest of us to follow.

They dreamed, they took action, and even though they were doubted and pushed out of normal society, they pressed ahead regardless; they, the original champions of zero fucks given.


Because they knew that everything they were working on and driving towards was greater than themselves. The fear of being isolated didn’t matter, because the work, the message; that was what the world needed.

And I truly believe that each of us in our own ways has the ability to do the same.


Life teaches us that we can never fully guarantee a specific outcome, but only control our reactions, actions and trust in the process. With time and experience, you begin to trust deeply in your own ability to adapt to whatever situation arises and use the skills you have acquired along the way to not only survive but to grow and thrive no matter what the circumstances.

Sometimes you have to face your demons, go all in and take that chance — hands and voice trembling — because on the other side of that door is freedom.

Freedom to be yourself, to trust in your own ability and most of all, freedom to live life and shape the world with your own unique vision.

That is our mission, and the world needs us to embrace it.

We need more free-thinkers, rebels and people brave enough to defy conventions and kick down the next door. We can all be that person, we can all grow, and all become the person who makes a difference if we are willing.

Dare to dream, dare to love, dare to give that idea a voice, dare to be different and above all dare to be yourself — your true, raw potential self, no matter how ready you worry the world is.

Just show up, and be you.



Anna D. Invernizzi

Multidimensional Creative | Exhibited Artist | Exploring life & all facets of the human experience www.AlchemistoftheArts.co.uk @alchemist.of.the.arts