People Are Sharing Their Mental Health Art on Instagram and It is BEAUTIFUL.

Anna Jackson
1 min readApr 19, 2017


Instagram account @artformentalhealth posts art by people with Mental Health Disorders in the hopes of raising awareness and ending the stigma attached to Mental Health.

One of the many things I love about art, is that it gives people the ability to express themselves. Art gives us sneak peek inside the mind of the artist and shows us thoughts, emotions and experiences when words are not enough.

The disappointing truth is, there is still so much stigma attached to Mental Health. The media often tends to portray people with Mental Health Disorders as dangerous, severely disabled and unable to live normal and fulfilling lives.

The media is wrong.

Pages like ArtForMentalHealth give us a different insight into what it’s really like to live with a Mental Health Disorder, whilst also blessing our eyes with some incredibly beautiful and thought provoking art.

If you want to learn more about what it feels like to live with a Mental Health Disorder (and see some work by some seriously talented artists), I encourage you to check out pages like ArtForMentalHealth.



Anna Jackson

Fiction scribbler. Writer/Contributor for Anxiety & Depression Awareness. LGBT, Auto-Immune, Mental Health Advocate