My Latest SEO Experiment with Medium, LinkedIn Pulse, and Facebook Instant Articles

annalea crowe
2 min readJul 20, 2016


I have been asked this many times before…

“Where should I repurpose my content to get the most traffic?”

… The good news is that you’re not alone. As content syndication grows and competition for website traffic increases, this is a problem many marketers, including myself, face every day.

More good news, I’m going to run an experiment. As some of you may know, I’m a writer for Search Engine Journal (SEJ), so I’m curious to find new ways to drive traffic to my content. I want more followers, more clicks, and more pageviews.

So, I’m going to start testing.

To do this, I’ve drummed up an experiment where I’m going to repurpose my best content on SEJ to other marketing channels for one month, twice a week. The three channels I’ve decided to experiment with are (drum roll please) Medium, LinkedIn Pulse, and possibly Facebook Instant Articles (if I can get approved in time).

I’ve never posted on these three sites, so I’m starting at ground zero. I’m going to let the data and my audience guide my decisions on which marketing channel I should continue to dedicate original content to in the future.

Here are the complete stats and background information for each of my marketing channels I’m looking to explore.

Anna’s personal Google Sheets for tracking

I’m hopeful this will build context and background to help you analyze your personal content in the future. Feel free to shout with any questions!

Thanks for reading! :) If you enjoyed it, hit that 💚 below.

Thank You

BIG thanks to my editors, Danielle & Kelsey, at SEJ for allowing me to test this experiment. ✌️

Image sources: Death To Stock Photography



annalea crowe

Entrepreneur. SEO-Whisperer. Ambassador for peanut butter. Assistant Editor@Search Engine Journal; Director of SEO — Outreach at Jason Hennessey Consulting