Bringing Anime Into Your Exercise Routine

Anna Lindwasser
3 min readMar 18, 2022

You’ve heard the stereotype — anime fans are all out-of-shape weaklings who spend every waking moment in front of a screen. Forget about all that — you can combine your love for anime with your love of getting swole.

Great Exercises To Do While Watching Anime

As long as you don’t have to change the direction you’re looking in, plenty of at-home exercises can be done while watching anime.

Personally, my routine involves watching two episodes of anime while using an elliptical machine that I have at home. Every so often, I hop off and do a few sets of squats, lift mini weights, and stretch.

I have a Roku set up in front of the elliptical machine. Before I got the Roku, I’d watch anime on my phone.

If you have exercise equipment at home, you can do something similar. If you work out at the gym, you can watch anime on your tablet or phone while using an elliptical, exercise bike, or other machine that has somewhere to stick it. Just make sure to use headphones and it’s all good.

Sub or Dub?

I’m an extremely fast reader who has no trouble reading subs even when I’m moving as fast as I can. Also, I don’t like dubbed anime. In fact, I dislike it so much that if it’s my only choice, I just won’t watch anime.



Anna Lindwasser

I've been watching anime for decades. When I'm not writing about it on Ranker or Comicon, I'm writing about it here.