What We Need: Logic and Stoicism to Urgently Preserve Democracy

Anna Lloyd
5 min read6 days ago

The question is this: Is it time for logic rather than emotion? As an artist, I consider myself a very emotional person. I have always followed what my heart tells me to do. Right now, I am not only listening to my heart; I’m also paying attention to my gut instincts and my logic. Your head, heart, and gut don’t always go hand in hand. Sometimes you think something is a good idea, but your heart is not in it, and your gut tells you something is wrong. Sometimes your heart and gut can be in it, but it just doesn’t seem logical. This country needs a big dose of stoicism and logic to get through the next few months.

  • Focus on what you can control: I can vote.
  • Gratitude: I am grateful for the chance to save my democracy.
  • Resilience: Even when things get hard, we must be resilient and push forward.
  • Accept what comes your way: I know certain hardships are right around the corner. I will embrace what comes my way.
  • Be virtuous: I will not stoop down to a dictator’s level.
  • Exercise: I will keep my body strong for what comes next.
  • Lead by example: I will lead with grace and grit to push our country forward.
  • Live according to nature: I will protect nature and the environment.
  • Live in the present moment: I cannot control the future, so I will live in the present.
  • Most things have happened



Anna Lloyd

I am a writer with Dyslexia. I am the Author of "Miss Anna's Dream in Stratford INSTAGRAM anna.lloyd20_ Certified Human Rights Consultant