annalyn aspric
2 min readApr 4, 2018

“The grasses”

There was a grass wishing to become independent, but it seems like impossible, because her greatest fear is to be alone. All she wants is to notice. The small grass has no friend except of her sister who is always at her side. They are the grass that grows anywhere but no one cares. The grasses have family but then they have no time and care for them. The small grass is a weird one, that is why she is diffirent from other grasses. She is contented on living her simple life.They grew up almost together but they are not the same; they have their likes and dislike that is why they are very different to each other. They are different but they are so close. Until, one day there is something trying to destroy them. They need to be strong because if they did not they are going to be destroyed by the strong wind. There are lots of strong wind and storm pass to them but they are still standing together. The time passes by and the tall grass is getting old and needs to rest. But the small grass didn’t want her sister to grow old, because she thinks that she cannot live without her, that living without her sister is just like living in the dark alone. While the small grass is waving because of the air, she is also thinking if she was going to let her sister rest and start again. The time comes and the small grass decided to let her sister rest and start again.
The small grass learned to be independent and to move alone. She also learned how to conquer her fear and to overcome every struggle that comes to her. The small grass grows strong like her sister because her sister is her inspiration. She learned to let the people think whatever they want about her. They can judge her at first because she cannot live alone but she proves them wrong. She proves to them that she is strong in despite of her weakness at first.

Now the small grass is waiting for her sister again to grow and have her companion. And finally it was her turn to rest and start again. The small grass realized that their life is a cycle it may rest or fall down but they grow again when time comes.