10 ways to spend screen free time daily and why you should join #TechFree30

Anna Martin
4 min readApr 22, 2019


Today is the launch of #TechFree30. The idea of #TechFree30 is born of a need to get away from the deliberately addictive nature of screens. They suck up so much of our time and energy and by putting them down for just 30 minutes a day, just think what else you could be doing…

Our children our growing up surrounded by screens: smart phones, TVs, IPads, etc. They are also growing up used to seeing the adults in their life often glued to a phone/screen. As the saying goes: ‘Monkey see, monkey do’.

With this in mind, why not join us in trying to put the screens away for a deliberate 30 minutes a day. Then either enjoy some family time together or take some time out to do something each family member enjoys (without screens!).

Need help knowing what to do with your kids or yourself without screens? Then here are some ideas:

  1. Get Outdoors

Go for a walk, even if it is just around the block. If possible, get lost in nature and take some time out to marvel at the peacefulness of a ramble in the countryside. Maybe make it more fun for those kids resistant to walking by borrowing a friend’s dog or even jump on your bikes. Perhaps the bribe/reward of a cafe or a pub lunch at the end of the long walk would entice those less keen on the idea?!

2. Do some sport

Why not try a new sport either together or individually? Or even just knock a football around in the garden or your local park. It’s a great way to relax and unwind and get a bit of exercise at the same time!

3. Read a book

A personal favourite here! Use those 30 minutes you might otherwise spend mindlessly scrolling on your phone and actually pick up a book and lose yourself in a good story for half an hour. Encourage older children to do the same or maybe read to younger children or get them to read to you. It doesn’t even have to be a book. Comics, magazines, or whatever takes your/their fancy!

4. Play a game

Board games might seem rather quaint and old fashioned in the face of the latest video games available on a nearby console, but they are a lovely way to spend some family time together. Whether it is a pack of cards, old favourites such as Snakes & Ladders, chess, Monopoly, etc. Try a few and see what sticks.

5. Cook something new

Why not have some fun in the kitchen and try a new recipe? Either take half an hour out to enjoy baking/cooking something and get a bit of head space or get the kids to choose something they fancy making. Hopefully if they have had a hand in making it there is a good chance they will also eat it!

6. Create something arty

This doesn’t need to be an earnest craft project. Have fun with it. Try an old fashioned camera (if you still have one)and take some snaps and let your kids have a go too. Get a pad of paper and try writing a short story. Get your kids to have a go too. Or just doodle with coloured pens and see where it takes you. It could even be building a den in your garden or local woods.

7. Soak up some culture

There are loads of free art exhibitions, museums and galleries to visit with the kids. Nearly all of them cater to children and make it of interest to them. Explore what there is to do near you and try a few short trips out to slowly immerse your children in some culture.

8. Enjoy a picnic

Make the most of the warmer weather and longer days by packing up a feast, grabbing a rug and heading outside for a picnic together. It’s a lovely way to spend some time together outside. Even having lunch or tea al fresco in the garden counts!

9. Write a journal

Why not try putting the phone down and switching off the TV/screens half an hour earlier than usual and writing a journal at the end of each day. This could be beneficial for each family member (children, teens and adults). It is a popular and great way to process your thoughts and feelings and record your day. Studies show that it helps with mental well-being which is much needed with the stresses of parenting/growing up.

10. Phone a friend/family member

In the digital age, with email, texts, WhatsApp and many other instant messaging options many of us neglect the phone. Yet it is still lovely to receive a phone call. Why not encourage your children to pick up the phone and ring a family member? Why not call a friend and have a chat? Conversations are therapeutic and a great way to show someone you care.

Join Healthy Young Heads on the following platforms and share any ideas of ways to spend your #TechFree30!

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