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Open Invitation To Dinner

Hot Sauce and Matooke
3 min readFeb 14, 2023


If you’ve attended a Ugandan wedding, then you know that dinner is always one of the highlights of the occasion. It’s the first meal that the bride and groom share with guests as a couple. Recently, at a cousin’s wedding, I strolled along in the queue and made a bee line for the matooke. Much to the surprise of the servers who were trying very hard to hide their puzzled expressions but failed dismally. They probably had imagined I would be the predictable chapati and rice with a douse of meat sauce kind of girl— so UG .

Nope! It’s the piping hot matooke with ground nut sauce or beef stew that does it for me. This blog is just like that — a feast that I hope you will enjoy and come back for more.

My name is Anna and inviting you on the Hot Sauce and Matooke Blog. Before you ask, let me clarify that it’s not a foodie blog although its titled as such. Hot sauce and matooke is a simple, no frills Ugandan meal of cooked plantain with a sauce of your choice either vegetable or meat that can be eaten for breakfast, in between snack or dinner. I hope this space will evoke that simplicity, that laid back relaxed feeling as you take in some lighthearted fun.

A Mum to two grown kids, I’m a curious soul who loves a good story in all shape and form. I am a creative spirit who enjoys nature, exploring and trying new things. This penchant for stepping into the unknown to see what’s on the other aside has led me on a journey of experiences that I never thought I would live.

It’s taken me a while to finally start writing as I kept putting it off. One would think that given my work in Marketing and communications, I would be an avid blogger and it would be second nature to me. Alas! That is not the case! Instead, I have been running away from it because I thought it would be hard to keep up the pace I’d run out of stories to share.

However, towards the end of the 2022, I started to realise that I have lots of stories to tell and as long as I am alive, there are experiences to write about. So here I am, ready to serve up a sumptuous spread of life raising kids with a sprinkle of my childhood memories, escapades and adventures as well as tales of life off grid on an island. The menu is going to surprise you and hopefully you will be coming back for more tasty bites. Sometimes, I catch myself chuckling and wondering and asking the question; did that really happen?

I am excited to connect with you and invite you to share comments or questions on the stories. Let me know if the menu is to your taste and what other dishes you would like me to serve.

Please follow the page to receive updates on oven fresh content. Don’t forget to share this and invite others to dinner with us.



Hot Sauce and Matooke

If your kids have a penchant for the impromptu tale on the fly, stories become a way of life. I write about my parenting adventures and off grid living.