Anna Price
3 min readDec 18, 2019

Trials Of A Backgammon Wannabe

Episode 1

Making Michi Proud

So, I arrived for the tournament 2 hours early, no beach towel, but a copy of Michi’s Endgame Technique would be enough to ‘reserve’ the best table in the house. I’d already thought it through, having done a recce a couple of weeks earlier; it was next to the bar and was high, with a high chair….heaven for my back…and a table the perfect size for a board, clock and score card. Having left my coat and book there, I meandered into the drab playing room where the low plastic chairs were, and gave myself an imaginary pat on the back; well done Anna, I thought — not for you, this room which will be packed with BG players and the inevitable, accompanying pungent aroma.

I was feeling confident. It was going to be a good day.

The draw done, I went and perched on my lovely high chair and, catching sight of my opponent, called out to him,

“It’s you and I” :)

His reaction was not what I had expected….although I can’t really say what I expected, I certainly didn’t expect,

“Oh no! I don’t want to play here!”

Deep breath.

“Where do you want to play?”

“In there” he says, pointing to the drab room with the low plastic chairs.

Stay calm….move your stuff….follow him into the room….don’t cause a scene.

A flash of the scar on my back did nothing to deter him,

“Come on….that’s an old scar.” I was thinking….Er….yes…what’s the relevance? but I guess he did feel some sympathy because he suggested rolling for it.

Drab room and low chair it was.

11 point match.

I lost, but it was double elimination and my next opponent was not a die-hard BG player and I felt confident. Plus, she was all set up on a table by the bar :)

7 point match.

She made short work of me and I lost 7 0.

Tomorrow is another day.

Sunday, I went through the same procedure, except this time, instead of leaving Michi on the table, I finished reading the chapter I was on….Bearing off when your opponent’s on your ace point.

The draw for the Consolation was done and, again, I was feeling good because my opponent was not a die-hard backgammon player and he is also a very sweet man. So, perched on my lovely high chair, I called out to him,

“It’s you and I”

“Ooh, lovely!” he says “I’ll go get my board”.

Before the smile on my face had a chance to form, the TD approached,

“You can’t play here — they don’t want us in the Bar area.”

Into the drab playing room and on with the match.

7 points.

0 1



The next game, I gained an advantage and cubed pretty early. Mr. Sweet took. The game turned, but not drastically, and we ended up in a pretty even no contact race. A couple of rolls later Mr. Sweet paused and, suddenly, there it was….

The cube on 4

I did a straight pip count.

His was 87 and mine was 82


I placed it lovingly in my checker rack, just long enough for him to take his turn before I gave it back to him on 8.


After that I rolled

2 1

3 1

3 2

and nothing larger than 5 1 for the rest of the match.

Needless to say, I lost.

Next up — Last Chance.

5 point match.

My opponent was Mr. VVStrong and we both commiserated with each for being in the last chance and then we went to it.

1 0

2 0

2 2

3 2

And I now have 4 of his men on my ace point and I’m bearing off and I have 10 checkers left. I roll, and a position in Michi’s book comes up. Aha! I know how to play this! :)

Next roll, I had to leave a shot. Mr. VVStrong hit and managed to save the gammon.

4 2

4 4

And then I lost.

We discussed the move from Michi’s book and Mr. VVStrong conceded that it was the correct move, so, hey, I lost every single match….but at least Michi would be proud :)