Pakistan and Anime.
Yes! you read it right. Pakistan has a very strong anime culture but the people associated with it is not very large in number.
The mindset of none anime watchers is quite similar as it is anywhere else.
Anime is a cartoon and it is for kids. I remember watching as a kid for a very long time but because of lack of availability and its association with kids kept me away from it.
In 2017, one of my very close friends suggested me to watch One Piece and how awoms it is.
I remember watching One Piece. Skinny guy with his stretchable body take me into nostalgia and I start watching it again. I loved it every single moment of it. I start exploring new anime and manga and just it takes me in the whole new world.
As I get into this I realize two of my college friends use to watch anime and they don't talk about unless it just them.
It's not that they will be punished or something but the association with anime made them feel like kids and another student will doubt their choice of entertainment.
But recently I see a lot of people taking anime seriously and talking about it. Which I think is a great step ahead.
Jojo Bizare adventure is might be the only one anime which has some episodes take place in Pakistan.
This clip is a very inaccurate portrayal of Pakistan but it is sure as hell is funny.
I love to watch much other anime showing some association with Pakistan.
I write a lot of answers on Quora and it give the idea of how huge the Anime industry is and how much potential it has.
For me, it is a great experience and I encourage a lot of people to watch anime and have a positive effect on society.
Hope its a good read. :)
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