Best of the “Letterheads”: number 2, 1996

Anna Seslavinskaya
3 min readAug 19, 2016

About the Cover

It would appear the Wilmore & Co. Sign Department has taken on a partner is one Mr. A.A. Ritter. At the time this photo was taken, September of 1883, as evidenced by the poster in the window heralding the upcoming performance of Uncle Tom’s Cabin the word “Company” has been blocked out in preparation for lettering “Ritter” in its place. In the interim Mr. Ritter has placed his glass sign display above the door to direct his clientele to the new location. Thanks to Rick Glawson for this issue’s photo.

St.Petersburg, Florida

Founded in 1888, was boasting a population of 1,575 in the year 1900. Moving south to escape the chill of the cold north winters combined with the Florida Land boom of the 1920’s St.Petersburg’s population shot to 60,000.

Signpainters, theatre artists and the like were kert busy during those early days with everything from lettering storefronts, trucks and “What’s Showing Now”.

To be discovered wearing a sandwich board outside of the theatre would be as close as most young girls would ever get to their Hollywood dreams of stardom.


A leader in the manufacture of glass signs, the produced the fine exemples on page 35.
The celebrated Washington Powders are the finest… we cannot tell a lie
Carriage Concerns such as these employed such men as are on page 10

Rah-rah-Rockford High

Mrs. Dickey’s Rockford, Illinois class of naughty naught marched outside one spring fay to have their bliss as engravers, photographers, illustrators, jewelers, opticians and the like.

Did I do that?!😓

Man was I proud of those first signs I made like the original Sycamore Valley sign in 1979. Give me a board and a Dover type book and I was set.

The second photo shows how that sign would be done today. A more focused layout, dimensional materials of foam board and Terra cotta leaves along with gilded copy combine for a sign that works better for the customer. – Doc Welty

Now look at this…

Here’s the first sign David Butler ever did way back in 1972, next issue we’ll see how he would do it today.

Carl Rohrs



Anna Seslavinskaya

Type Designer, Art Director. Use Medium as a Creative Lab Diary