The Art of Slow Travel: How to truly immerse yourself in a destination?

Anna Soldenhoff
5 min readFeb 6, 2023


Photo by Ryan Spencer on Unsplash

Slow travel is a concept that encourages travellers to take their time and fully immerse themselves in a destination, rather than rushing through multiple locations in a short amount of time. Instead of ticking off as many tourist spots as possible, the goal of slow travel is to truly experience a place, its culture, and its people.
Slow travel is about taking the time to explore a destination, savouring the sights, sounds, and flavours of a place and connecting with the local people. This can mean staying in one location for an extended period, engaging in activities that give an insight into the local culture, such as cooking classes, or volunteering, and making meaningful connections with the local people.
One of the main benefits of slow travel is that it allows travellers to truly experience a place and its culture in a way that is not possible when rushing through multiple locations. This type of travel also allows travellers to get off the beaten path, discover hidden gems and avoid the crowds.
Slow travel is also an environmentally friendly way of travelling, as it reduces the carbon footprint of transportation, encourages staying in locally-owned accommodations, and supports local communities.

Here are some tips for researching and learning about a culture before arriving:

Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

Read books, articles, and travel guides: Reading about the culture, history, and customs of a destination can give you a good background knowledge of the place. Look for books and articles that are written by local authors and focus on the culture and customs of the destination.
Learn the language: Even if you only learn a few basic phrases, being able to speak the local language will help you to connect with the local people and understand their culture better.
Watch documentaries and films: Watching documentaries and films that are set in or related to the destination can give you a sense of the culture and way of life. They can also provide a glimpse into the history and customs of the place.
Follow local influencers or bloggers: Following local influencers or bloggers from the destination can give you an insight into the culture, customs and daily life of the local people.
Connect with locals: Connecting with locals before your trip can be a great way to learn about the culture. You can reach out to locals through social media or on travel forums and ask for their recommendations and insights.

Staying in one place for an extended period is an important aspect of slow travel. It allows travellers to fully immerse themselves in the culture and way of life of a destination, rather than rushing through multiple locations. Here are some benefits of staying in one place:
A greater understanding of the culture: When you stay in one place for longer, you have the opportunity to truly understand the culture, customs and daily life of the local people. This can be much more difficult to do when you are constantly on the move.
Building better connections: Staying in one place allows you to build deeper connections with the local people and community. This can be especially beneficial if you are travelling alone or as a small group.
Cost-effective: Staying in one place for an extended time can be more cost-effective as it reduces the need for transportation and accommodation costs.
A more authentic experience: By staying in one place, you have the opportunity to experience the destination in a way that is more authentic and less touristy. This can include eating at local restaurants, shopping at local markets, and participating in local events and activities.
More relaxed: When you’re not rushing from place to place, you can relax and take things at your own pace. This can help reduce stress and make the trip more enjoyable.

Building relationships with local people is an important aspect of immersing oneself in a destination. It allows travellers to gain a deeper understanding of the culture and customs of a place and can also be a great way to make new friends. Here are some tips for building relationships with local people:
Learn the language: Learning the local language can be a great way to connect with the local people. Even if you only know a few basic phrases, being able to speak the language will help you to communicate and understand the culture better.
Show interest in their culture: Showing interest in the culture and customs of the local people is a great way to start building relationships. Ask locals about their customs, traditions and way of life, and take the time to understand and appreciate their culture.
Attend local events: Attend local events such as festivals, markets and ceremonies, and engage with locals who attend. This can be a great way to meet new people and learn about the culture.
Be open and friendly: Being open and friendly is key to building relationships with local people. Smile, make eye contact and be willing to strike up a conversation with locals.

Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash

Letting go of rigid plans and schedules is an important aspect of slow travel, as it allows travellers to be open to new experiences and opportunities. Here are some tips for letting go of rigid plans and schedules:

Be flexible: Be open to changing your plans and schedule if a new opportunity arises. For example, if you hear about a local festival or event that you would like to attend, be willing to adjust your plans to make it happen.
Allow for free time: Build free time into your schedule, so you have the flexibility to explore new opportunities as they arise.
Embrace the unplanned: Be open to unplanned experiences and activities, they could be the most memorable of your trip.
Forget the must-see list: Forget about ticking off all the must-see tourist spots, and instead focus on experiencing the destination in a way that feels authentic to you.
Listen to locals: Ask locals for their recommendations and be open to trying new things. They know the area best and can often provide unique and off-the-beaten-path experiences.

So, in conclusion, slow travel is a unique and fulfilling way of travelling that allows travellers to fully immerse themselves in a destination and experience it on a deeper level. It is not just about visiting a place but also living it, understanding it, and making it a part of you.

Do you think it would be good to consider slow travel for your next vacation and experience the world in a whole new way?



Anna Soldenhoff

I enjoy getting lost in a good book, spend time with my cats, admire the beauty of the natural world, and appreciate the creativity of the art world.