The Road to Bliss: How Belly Rubs Can Change Your Cat’s Life

Anna Soldenhoff
4 min readMar 26, 2023
Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

If you’re a cat owner, you’ve probably heard that belly rubs are essential for your feline friend’s happiness and well-being. But is that really true, or is it just a myth perpetuated by the internet and cat memes?

On one hand, there are plenty of reasons to believe that belly rubs are important for cats. For example, they can help to strengthen the bond between you and your pet, and they provide a source of comfort and relaxation for your furry friend. Additionally, some studies suggest that petting a cat can help to lower your blood pressure and reduce stress levels, which is good news for both you and your cat.

But on the other hand, there are some compelling arguments against the importance of belly rubs for cats. For starters, not all cats enjoy being petted, let alone having their bellies rubbed. In fact, some cats will react to a belly rub as if they’ve just been attacked by a swarm of angry bees, swatting and hissing in protest. And even among cats who do enjoy a good belly rub, there’s no scientific evidence to suggest that it’s necessary for their health or happiness.

So what’s the verdict? Do cats really need belly rubs to thrive, or are they just another human invention designed to make us feel better about our pet ownership? The answer, as with most things related to cats, is a…



Anna Soldenhoff

I enjoy getting lost in a good book, spend time with my cats, admire the beauty of the natural world, and appreciate the creativity of the art world.