Digital Growth Community Review: Best MRR of 2024?

Anna VanDem
14 min readJun 27, 2024


With nearly 25,000 members, the Digital Growth Community stands out as one of the most vibrant and rapidly expanding hubs for making money online that I’ve ever come across. Each day, you’ll see a flurry of members sharing their “Wins!” — from securing their first lead to raking in $200k in just three months.

Ready to Join the Community?

Yet, despite this buzz, there’s still a fair bit of confusion about what the Digital Growth Community actually is and how its members earn their money. This review aims to clarify things for you. If you spot any inaccuracies or have questions, feel free to reach out or leave a comment!

What is and what isn’t Digital Growth Community?

Let’s clear up some common misconceptions about what the Digital Growth Community entails and what it doesn’t. I’ll delve into each aspect later in the review, but here’s a quick rundown:

What the Digital Growth Community Is:

  • Master Resell Rights products: Access to products you can resell.
  • Step-by-step online business builder: A guide to building your online business.
  • Done-for-you funnel: Tools to help you grow your email list effortlessly.
  • Training on promoting products: Tips and tricks to market your products online.
  • Affiliate marketing and online course creation: Learn the ropes of affiliate marketing and how to design your own online course.
  • A supportive community: Engage with other Digital Growth members for support and advice.

What the Digital Growth Community Is Not:

  • Multi-Level Marketing (MLM): No pyramid selling here.
  • Gifting scheme: It’s not about giving gifts to get ahead.
  • Pyramid scheme: No shady business models.
  • Other online schemes: Avoid the usual online traps and tricks.

In a nutshell, the Digital Growth Community is a legitimate system for building an online business from home.

Digital Growth Products and Community

Digital Growth Community

While the whole shebang is commonly referred to as the Digital Growth Community, it’s worth noting that there are actually several distinct Digital Growth Products you should be aware of. Once you purchase any of these products, you gain access to the Digital Growth Community on Skool and become part of the family.

Here’s the lineup of products:

  • Launch Pad: $100
  • Passive Daily Pay Blueprint: $300
  • Digital Mastery: $600
  • Legacy Builders Program: $900

These products operate in a tiered system. You don’t have to buy each one separately but will receive all products under the tier you purchase. For example, if you buy Launch Pad, you only get Launch Pad. However, if you buy Passive Daily Pay Blueprint, you receive both Launch Pad and Blueprint. And if you opt for Legacy Builders, you get all the products.

Since these are Master Resell Rights (MRR) products, you have the ability to resell whatever you own. So, if you own the Legacy Builders Program, you can resell all the products. If you only own Launch Pad, you can only resell Launch Pad.

Contrary to one review’s claim, this is not MLM. If you only have Launch Pad, you can only sell Launch Pad, and those who buy from you won’t be able to purchase any higher-tier products from you. There’s no upline or similar MLM structure where someone else benefits from the sales you make.

Master Resell Rights vs MLM and Affiliate Marketing

master resell rights

I’ll be honest — MLM just isn’t my cup of tea. On the surface, MLMs seem fine, but the endless chasing, the uplines, and the downlines are just not for me. With Digital Growth products, it’s a straightforward, single sale where you get 100% of the profit. There are no monthly fees, no losing commissions to sponsors, and no intricate hierarchies.

For instance, if you purchase the Legacy Builders Program from me today, I pocket the $900, and you get the program along with the resell rights. That’s it. You won’t lose any sales or have to share your earnings with me or anyone else. You keep 100% of what you make. How great is that?

In my opinion, this beats even affiliate marketing, and I’ve been an affiliate marketer for over a decade. With affiliate marketing, you typically earn between 25% to 75% of a sale (high-ticket items over $500 are often capped at 40% to 50%).

Don’t get me wrong — I love affiliate marketing and still do it. However, since discovering the Digital Growth Community, I’ve shifted at least half of my efforts towards it, and I plan to do more. The difference between earning 100% profit and a 40% commission (which was my last affiliate offer) is significant.

I saw a review suggesting that selling Digital Growth products yourself and charging customers is a drawback compared to earning commissions as an affiliate. Maybe that was true 10 or even 5 years ago. But today, with payment gateways like Stripe or PayPal, directly charging customers is much better than relying on affiliate payouts. Here’s why:

  • Quick Payments: As an affiliate, you usually get paid one to three months after making a sale. With Stripe, you get paid within a week or even a day.
  • Guaranteed Payments: Affiliate companies can choose not to pay you or remove sales at their discretion. This has happened to me frequently, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
  • No Cookie Dependence: Most affiliate offers rely on cookies, and with the shift towards a cookie-less internet, many sales might not get credited to you. With Digital Growth, you get the sale directly, no cookies involved.

So, in my view, selling programs directly is far more profitable and reliable than affiliate marketing. But let’s dive into the concept of Master Resell Rights.

How To Get 100% Profit with Master Resell Rights?

digital growth 100% profit

So, what exactly are master resell rights (MRR), and why isn’t it MLM? I’ll admit, even with over a decade in online marketing, I hadn’t heard of master resell rights before joining the Digital Growth Community. I was familiar with PLR (Private Label Rights), which I mostly used for bonuses, and I knew about reselling services like press releases and SEO.

But MRR? That takes things to another level. Instead of just reselling a service or software for commissions or selling ebooks and courses like with PLR, MRR lets you resell both the product and the resell rights. In my opinion, this is a game changer.

I’ll be writing a full article on Master Resell Rights soon, but for now, here’s the gist: With an MRR program like Legacy Builders, you can use the product yourself, resell it to others, and they can resell it as well.

Now, you might wonder, doesn’t MRR oversaturate the market? It can seem that way at first glance because everyone who buys has the power to resell. But consider this: there are currently 5.35 billion internet users. While some pockets of the internet might seem saturated, there’s no way to truly flood the market.

To put it in perspective, I was part of one of the biggest online launches back in 2018, which I believe did $100 million in sales. Yet, probably no one reading this even knows what launch that was (if you do, comment below).

In summary, MRR offers a unique opportunity to earn 100% profit from sales, without the pitfalls of MLM. With such a vast online audience, the market potential is far from saturated.

Why Buy Digital Growth Products to Promote Them?

This is a common sticking point that gets people talking — why should you need to buy the program to promote it? It might not make sense at first glance, right?

Let’s step back and consider all resale-type products. To resell something, you need to own it or have access to it. It’s in the term “master resell rights.” This concept existed long before MLM became a thing.

There’s also an ethical side to consider. In affiliate marketing, it’s common for people to promote products they’ve never used or tested. You can grab a link to almost anything and push it, regardless of whether you know what’s inside.

But with Master Resell Rights products, like those in the Digital Growth Community, you can’t resell what you don’t own. This means you have to buy the product first, which adds authenticity to your promotion.

Does this mean no one will buy just to promote without genuinely using it? No, there will still be some who do that, but significantly fewer than in affiliate marketing.

Now, let’s dive into how you can make money with the Digital Growth Community.

Is Reselling the Only Way to Profit with Digital Growth Products?

One interesting aspect of the Digital Growth Community is the notion that people join just to resell its products. This flips the earlier question about why you need to buy the course to resell it, now considering those who buy solely with resale in mind.

Are there folks who buy the Legacy Builders Program just to gain the resell rights? Probably. But this focus on a certain group of people overlooks a bigger picture. From what I’ve seen, most members join the Digital Growth Community to learn digital marketing. Even if your primary goal is to resell, you’re still picking up valuable digital marketing skills along the way.

How you choose to use these skills is entirely up to you. It’s like any other skill or knowledge — you can use persuasion techniques to genuinely help people or to deceive them.

The same goes for the Legacy Builders Program. You can learn from it, help others by sharing your knowledge, and resell it with integrity. Or, you can mislead people who aren’t a good fit for the product.

Ultimately, the Digital Growth Community is a platform where you can learn to make money selling anything online, not just by reselling the program itself.

Digital Growth Community: My Opinion

When I first heard about the Digital Growth Community and the Legacy Builders Program, I was skeptical, just like many others. But instead of relying on second-hand opinions, I decided to treat it like an affiliate product — test it out myself. I started with the Legacy Builders Program, which includes all the courses, so my perspective is based on that. Do I see an issue with starting lower, maybe with just Launch Pad? Not really. You can always upgrade later. Here’s my breakdown:

The Done-for-You Funnel

Digital Growth Community Review

The first thing you get is a funnel, which includes a landing page (squeeze page), thank you page, video page, and sales page. These pages are well-designed and customizable. Personally, I found them so well-done that I only tweaked the images on the opt-in page for split testing.

The thank you page features a video of Michele and testimonials. The next page in the funnel further explains the opportunity with another video and text. I’ve opted to use this video page only in my email campaigns, not in the funnel itself.

The sales page is clean and professional, with a pleasing color scheme of orange, white, off-white, and cream. It feels polished, not amateurish.

Email Campaign

The email campaign consists of 13 emails sent periodically, usually one per day, to prospects who opt in through the squeeze page. These emails introduce you and the program to the prospect. It’s important to personalize these emails for two reasons:

  1. Personal Representation: You want to present yourself and your mission. Just change the links and add a personal touch or rewrite them in your own words.
  2. Spam Avoidance: If thousands of people send the same messages, they’re more likely to end up in spam or promotion tabs. You want your emails in inboxes.

These points are crucial because you don’t want to be a carbon copy of Michele. You want people to actually receive and read your emails. This approach differs from other products I’ve tested, where originality wasn’t encouraged. Legacy Builders teaches you to find your own voice.

The Training

digital growth products reviews

Let’s dive into the actual training. Whether you decide to promote the Digital Growth Community funnel or anything else, you still need a way to promote it.

The Launch Pad — $100 The first product in the Digital Growth Community is the Launch Pad, consisting of 42 lessons. This includes the basics of navigating the course, editing funnels, emails, and connecting payment gateways — basically, the technical stuff to set up the foundation for your online business. The videos are well-done and updated as needed. Plus, you can always get help from the community. This module also covers social media setup and how to do free online ads.

Passive Daily Pay Blueprint — $300 With this, you get both the Launch Pad and Blueprint. The training goes deeper into what the Digital Growth Community is, how it functions, and why it works so well. It provides a step-by-step blueprint on how to start and grow your business daily. It also expands on getting traffic from social media, free ads, and YouTube, showing you how to achieve results like Michele.

Digital Mastery — $600 Digital Mastery builds and expands on everything from Launch Pad and Blueprint. It features live training sessions, moving beyond theory to show what works and what doesn’t. The big focus here is on building and maintaining your email list, with advanced strategies to keep in touch with your prospects. Even if they don’t buy Legacy yet, they might buy another offer.

Additionally, Digital Mastery covers creating multiple income sources. For example, I used my list to promote an offer I believed in, which resonated with some subscribers and made me money from a different source. This module is all about scaling your business and creating more income streams.

Legacy Builders Program — $900 The Legacy Builders Program is the final course in the Digital Growth Community, including all the previous courses. As the name suggests, it focuses on building your legacy by scaling your business, creating your own product, and eventually your own empire. It covers advanced topics like hiring staff, creating a community, and developing your own product program.

The Digital Growth products build on each other. If you buy Legacy Builders, you still go through Launch Pad, Blueprint, Mastery, and finally Legacy. Michele describes it as a roadmap, with each course preparing you for the next step.

In summary, the Digital Growth Community offers a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to building an online business, with each course adding more depth and value.

How To Make Money with The Legacy Builders?

digital growth step by step

Let’s clear up some confusion with a typical path most people, including myself, follow with the Legacy Builders Program.

Step 1: Follow the training. Set up your websites and create a free account on, Stripe, or any other payment gateway.

Step 2: Continue the training and personalize your funnel and email campaign. This means adding your domain and links so that you receive the sales.

Step 3: Learn how to drive traffic to your page. Traffic equals leads, and leads equal sales. Utilize free ads, social media, or any other online traffic source (I’ll throw in some SEO help as a bonus).

Step 4: Start building your brand/business. As you gather leads and customers, interact with them to identify your ideal customer. This makes it easier to find similar people.

Bonus Step: By now, you’ll know how to manage and interact with your email list more effectively, helping you build it better.

Step 5: Continue developing your brand. Learn what works and what doesn’t through experience. You’ll still be learning from Michele and other members, but now you’re telling your own story.

Step 6: Expand beyond Digital Growth products. Start promoting other offers that align with your interests and those of your ideal customer, creating additional income streams.

Step 7: Optionally, start creating your own product and community. Unlike steps 1 to 5, you can do this at your own pace when you feel ready.


Steps 1 to 5 not only show you how to set up an online business but also teach you through experience. You’re reselling Michele’s system, but you’re also doing the things you would if you were selling any other product or even your own. This hands-on approach is crucial for learning, and the best part is you make money while you’re at it.

There’s nothing stopping you from taking what you’ve learned from Michele’s funnel and email campaign and applying it to any other product. Whether it’s an affiliate product, a service, or something you create yourself, the skills and experience you gain will be invaluable.

Starting a business with minimal resistance is key, and earning 100% profit from a solid system while learning to build a digital empire sounds pretty good to me.

Overview of Digital Growth Community Review

This review of the Digital Growth Community turned into quite a read, so here’s a quick recap:

  1. Not MLM or a Pyramid Scheme: Digital Growth Products operate on a Master Resale Rights (MRR) model, a legitimate business approach used by various companies.
  2. Products Overview: We covered the difference between the Digital Growth Community and its products, including Launch Pad, Blueprint, Mastery, and Legacy Builders.
  3. MRR vs. MLM and Affiliate Marketing: I explained why I believe MRR with 100% profit is better than MLM and affiliate marketing, which I’ve done for the last 13 years.
  4. Ethical Promotion: We discussed the importance of promoting only products you own or have tested, a requirement in MRR.
  5. Beyond Reselling: I shared my honest opinion, emphasizing that it’s not just about reselling the program.

I hope this review helped you understand what the Digital Growth Community is, how it works, and how you can learn online business with it and make money. If I missed something or you have questions, feel free to contact me directly or leave a comment below.

My Digital Growth Community Bonus

Digital Growth Community bonus

Lately, I’ve found joy in helping others more and more. While I always offered bonuses for affiliate products I promoted, Legacy Builders feels different.

In affiliate marketing, I typically earn around 40% to 50% as I promote high-ticket offers. This means I have to make 2 to 2.5 times more sales to earn the same money. Plus, there’s always a chance the vendor won’t pay out my commissions, delaying bonuses by 30 days or more. This delay is something I refuse to do because I know people starting out need help immediately. While I did lose out occasionally, it was worth it for the legitimate purchases I supported.

With Digital Growth Products, all sales are final, and I get 100% of the proceeds, so we can start working together right away without any delays or fears.

My Bonus Offer

  • Free Technical Help: Assistance with your funnel, email campaign, or site setup.
  • Free Branding Campaign: Help to get indexed on Google and build your brand.
  • Free SEO Campaign: Strategies to get visitors on autopilot.
  • Ongoing Support: My help with everything related to Digital Growth and SEO.

This bonus is available for a limited time. If I get too many sales, I’ll have to pause this offer to adequately support those who have already purchased. This isn’t a scarcity tactic; there’s just a limit to how many people I can help at once.

If the above offer isn’t crossed out, there are still spots available, and you can get all these bonuses by joining the Digital Growth Community.

Click Here to Join DGC and Get My Bonuses



Anna VanDem

a momtrepreneur's journey into digital marketing, crypto, finance, & online opportunities. Staying sane while acing the game! More at