How capitalism is killing our environment and why it takes a global pandemic for us to notice.

An exploration of ecological crisis and greed.

Anna Wawrzynczak
6 min readMay 16, 2020

Most climate change-related deaths occur in the least developed nations. The irony is that these nations are responsible for less than 1% of climate change issues. Kofi Annan’s (formal UN secretary-general) thinktank report, explores how “99% of all deaths from weather-related disasters and 90% of the total economic losses are now borne by developing countries.”. In this report, they also explore how 11 out of 12 least at-risk countries are industrially developed. They have accumulated around $72bn available to adapt to climate change in their own countries, but only $400m has been used to help poorer countries. So why is this the case? What is causing this crisis? And why are poorer nations so much worse off?

I think to understand this fully, you must learn to not look for a certain person or people to blame. We are doing wrong as a whole society. We are doing wrong as a species. Having said that, as people, we look for guidance and we act on this guidance based on our beliefs. In our world, this guidance no longer comes from omnipotent, supernatural beings; it comes from our politicians and the1% of people that continue to massively benefit in our economically-divided society. These…



Anna Wawrzynczak

Writing about things that really matter to me. Currently I’m mostly passionate about personal finance, current affairs and our mental health.