RChain CoLab Abstract 2 - 2018-09-25

Work, Play, Learn!

Chidinma Ann


Update Summary :

Category :

  • Science & Technology


CoLab is Rchain “Cooperation Laboratory” or “Noob Peer Learning Working Group,”__ An interactive platform that brings together developers, geeks, students, anyone, and everyone aiming to gain more knowledge while working. Each educative session is packed with learning, introduction to new things, as well as taking questions from those who are either trying to gain clarity of some sort or trying to proffer solution in relation to the topic of discussion and RChain vastly. Together we share ideas, give suggestions, and contribute to solving problems.

Work Study ;

Jimscarver intiates this session by looking into the Work Projection Sheet for the work study group. He also sent out messages on the CoLab Discord Channel, inviting participants to come onboard, as work study had commenced.


A few points was made on schema during the course of the meeting. Ibesoft showed first query for the Schema below. >


Jim took out time to explain the query for the schema, stating that every query has a type, name and field. And each field also have names and arguments. Arguments in turn can be passed when making queries to each table. At this point, David joined the meeting. Greeted the house, and is welcomed by Jim, who continued to lecture on Graphql.

  • Ibesoft : “stated that he is currently working with Valentine-Mario to write DApps that works directly with RChain.”
  • Jimscarver : “ Stated that running contracts are mutations and not queries.”
  • Ibesoft : “ Agreed to Jim’s point that running contracts are mutations.”
  • Jimscarver : “ Updated David on the Work Projection Spread sheet. He notioned that people should fill in details of workdone for the month of September.”
  • David : “ Shared his screen. And renamed the Work Projection sheet to ‘ kyc docs ’.”
  • Jimscarver : “ Asked if anyone needed help with node testing?”
  • David : “ Observed that Gary wasn’t around to participate in the node testing session.”
  • Aadi : “ Mentioned his interest in learning Rholang for the day.”
  • Ibesoft : “ Also started that he was interested in learning Rholang for the day.”
  • David : “ Asked if anyone had tried out cryptofex?”
  • Ibesoft : “ Responded that Valentine and himself tried installing cryptofex in Ubuntu, but received erroneous feedbacks . They would continue to try on other days he stated.”
  • Jimscarver : “ Asked David if cryptofex was working fine with him?”
  • David : “ Replied positively. Stating that he hadn’t observed any bugs, even though some other persons did.”
  • David : “ Started running nodes, and they were successful. Jim mentioned that a lot persons were having problems with the node testing, as it wasn’t able to deploy. But, David created yet another terminal for the node testing, and gets an update and success message.”
  • David : “ Shared a few tips on Rhobot-rho. He explained here that the new operator is used as a channel.”
  • Jimscarver : “ Concluded by reminding those present to work on the spreadsheet, and fill in the notes for the day.”

Join the RChain CoLab Channel on Discord and get first hand informations and updates.

  • Attend CoLab sessions on week days ;

Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays 20:00 UTC, Sydney +11, Beijing +8, Greece +3, Amsterdam +2, Lagos +1,
New York -4, Seattle -7.


( https://zoom.us/j/6853551826 )

Ann C. Asanwugo

September 27, 2018

