The Complexity of My Job

It’s more to it than just jumping out of planes

Anne Bonfert


There are so many situations in my life where I think “nobody is going to understand me”. Moments that are just unique to my lifestyle, my work, or simply my adventurous life.

I decided to write them down to be able to share them. Maybe it explains a bit more about me as a person. Why I am the way I am. Why I act the way I do. And why I often see things differently.

This should also help those trying to understand me who have been following me for a while. Those who see me doing all those dangerous things. Those who don’t know I’m the most scared in my life when I get in the car after a day of jumping and drive on the highway while cars are overtaking and cutting me off in Germany with 200-250kph.

The real danger lies in today’s traffic. Not in the sky. In my eyes at least.

My life as a skydiving instructor

As someone who’s jumping out of perfectly working planes, there must be surely something wrong with me. I’m crazy. I won’t even argue with you about that. But most people are crazy. In some or another…



Anne Bonfert

I am a traveler. Photographer. Writer. Teacher. Skydiving instructor. Adventure enthusiast. Nature lover. And fell in love with the African continent.