Latium — One To Many Task Management and A Noteworthy ICO

Anne Hash-away
3 min readDec 7, 2017


Latium Telegram

Latium Task Manager App

What is Latium (LATX)

A picture speak 1000 words and that picture above just speaks “sexy”. Latium is a blockchain based, one-to-many, task management service which is currently in their initial coin offering phase. Think thumbtack, or another freelance app, but with the benefits of being able to acquire multiple talents for a single project with all aspects automated from end to end. Trust verification, validation, payment, is all taken care of by this beautifully designed app. Not only does this create countless use-cases across the board (think bounty systems, fundraising, largescale operations, one shot service needs & more) but it also helps with taking the next step in crypto adoption by offering simple and accessible ways for the “normies” to get involved.

ICO Next Buyer Bonus

All of that is well and nice but today we’re going to focus on another aspect of the LATX ICO which needs some attention; the bonus system. Wow, just wow. I’m not sure if other coins have thought of such intelligent manners to promote their offerings but this one really takes the cake. Check it out below:

Latum Bonus System

WHAT!? Currently 1ETH = 2k LATX which means if you really make use of this system and time your buys right you could be looking at instantaneous gains of near 100% (or more depending if you can nail a large bonus) when this thing hits the market. Hats off to you Latium, genius. Between this, a great 5% earned referral system and a well spoken team, this is surely an ICO to acknowledge.

John McAfee

Just a quick closing comment on their advisor, the infamous Mr. John McAfee. Many people have come upon LATX and turned away because of McAfee’s checkered past, but let’s not forget what got him in the public eye in the first place. He’s a visionary, a genius, a man who is far ahead of his times. Sure, he does some things that we can categorized as “funky” to say the least but when it comes down to it he’s a business man with an incredible track record. Don’t let his personal life cloud your judgement on something which only has to do with his business life. Put your personal opinions aside and research the project for what it is, a great idea with a great team and an acknowledgement of greatness from an intelligent and respected person.


Token Structure And Allocation

180,000,000 LATX tokens (60% of total Supply) will be available during all phases of the token sale. Any tokens not sold during this period will be burned.

Sale Breakdown

60% For Sale

20% For Adoption Incentives

15% For Founders Lockup

5% For Bounty Program

Founders Lockup

45,000,000 LATX (15% of total supply) tokens will be held in the founderís lockup contract for 12 months releasing on November 1st 2018. These funds will be used to expand the management team after production release in key areas and founderís equity. This amount is the maximum amount that can be withdrawn from the Lockup contract. The amounts actually withdrawn will be left up to the founders to decide up to the maximum allowed by the contract. This contract has been made available on Github for public review.

Bounty Program

15,000,000 LATX (5% of total supply) will be allocated for bounty programs. The following programs are included in this allocation: Wings (1% of total supply), General Affiliate System (up to 2.6% of total supply), General Bounty (1% of total supply) for bitcointalk members, Marketing Bounty (0.4% of total supply), such as promotional programs, Banner ads for 3rd party sites. The Marketing Bounty is an additional bounty campaign, not a guaranteed distribution and will be up to the management team who can receive this bounty. To apply for the Marketing bounty campaign, please, contact



Anne Hash-away

Crypto enthusiast since 2012. ICO advisor. Not actually Anne Hathaway. Welcome to my blockchain life.