Tips to Study Efficiently

Anne Therese
3 min readMar 12, 2018


Education nowadays is essential in a person’s life. It is the prestige of the society. “Education is now the number one economic priority in today’s global economy” as what Naisbitt has emphasized. Everyone especially the students, must value and must give importance to education. Due to how the students value education, they are also aiming to be academic achievers. To become an academic achiever, you can follow these tips to study efficiently:

1. Always Consider the Setting

Setting refers to the time and place of a particular situation.

You have to consider the place or area where you study because no matter how mentally gifted you are, still it is more effective if you have provided a study area. According to University of Wisconsin, Platteville, prior choosing a study area, you have to determine first where or what is the best area for you to learn and absorb the lessons because it is counterproductive to study in an uncomfortable area. Here are some of the efficient areas where you can study:

· Bedroom — Bedrooms can be an excellent study location given its convenience and comfort. In this place you can really concentrate on what you are doing.

· Kitchen — A kitchen can be a better study area because most kitchens are well lit and have seating that requires you to sit up, as well as readily available snacks.

· Outdoors — Outdoor can be a good study area because of its natural light and fresh air.

Aside from the area, it is important also to reckon the best time to study according to your comforts. To help you, here are some suggestions:

· Morning or Dawn — Morning or Dawn because [1] you still have more energy, [2] society is structured around being active during the day and sleeping at night, [3] it’s easier to communicate with your friends or teachers during the day if you have any questions, [4] and natural light is better for your eyes.

· Half an hour to Four hours — It is effectively tested that if you study for only a half an hour to four hours, lessons can be easily learned.

2. Distinguish the Distractions — Distractions can be present anytime and anywhere. Whatever you do, there is always a probability to distractions. That is why it is important to distinguish these. Here are some distractions that you can avoid when you’re studying:

· Gadgets — Using a gadget while studying leads you to multi-tasking because of the various features available in this electronic device. This multi-tasking leads to inattentiveness. So, avoid using gadgets. You can use it if needed only.

· Group Study — Group Study may be helpful for some but some students perceived that group study can be a distraction to them. This is considered as a distraction because when your group mates are your friends, the conversation shifts from course material to current events, maximizing distractions as time goes by.

3. Taking Notes — Taking notes during discussion is another strategy for a good study habit. Note-taking is not just a simple thing that a student does. Note-taking has various benefits such as the following: It keeps you alert, engages your mind, emphasizes and organizes information, and creates a condensed record for study.

4. Study in Advance — Studying at least a day prior examination is a choice. It depends on the comfort zone of a student. Some students admitted that they start reviewing major exams for at least days in advance because they still have time to summarize the coverage and so that when examination day comes, they only have to review what they have studied. This thought was supported by Roshini as he believed that studying for 12 hours a day or cramming is not something very healthy. It will make worse the pressure that a student feels.

If you follow these tips, it is not impossible to become an academic achiever because these are just the catalysts to attain success in your studies.

So, Start Studying now. God bless!

