Are You Ready to Choose and Allow Yourself to Have?

Anne Diederiks
3 min readApr 20, 2023

Because, you really deserve the best.

When we think about ourselves, we automatically create an image, or a collection of images, and maybe even a set of images in which we move and do something.

It’s the perception we have of the self, but without words.

You could say it’s a slide that we have placed in our awareness; one that you carry around in your brain, that others don’t have in theirs.

Yes, others sometimes have an idea of you, but that’s not where I want to go with this. In the end, happiness comes from within you. When it’s instilled in us, we’re not personally affected by imposed thoughts. Instead, we can then take them from an open mind and draw out of it that we feel would improve or enhance us as a person. This is uncritised, authentic self-reflection.

Let’s go back to the idea of the slide, because we may be onto something when we use it to our advantage.

First, take this moment to take your awareness to what you think are your lacks.

Yes, I’m meaning this well.

Then, consider the acceptance of their presence in your life. This has a way of loosening up the fight you may have against them — you’re allowing yourself to become okay with them.

Give yourself all the time and space that you feel you need for this. The mind tends to over-analyse incapabilities, but when we take a moment [in silence], our all knowing heart (i.e. soul, spirit) comes forward and in this space, acceptance and its forgiving, non-judgmental nature can flourish. The mind may interrupt, and it will most often in a waking state. Don’t try to fight against it; instead, openly accept the happening of this and the mind’s swing will be stilled down.

Now, for the creation of the slide:

Draw yourself as you would wish to see yourself. Inhibit yourself from taking it from another person’s perspective, like the image of seeing external validation. This will only enforce the idea of things needing to come from outside of you.

When it’s inside you, you will be drawn to the experience.

Love the you that you see in the slide, where you see yourself shining in all your glory. Be not only the wearer, be the owner.

By playing the slide in your head, during a meditation or at the back of your mind while you’re going about your day, you will unwittingly and unconsciously begin to adjust to the slide. With time, the slide will become an integrated part of your personality, at which point, the slide will cease to exist, as it’s a means to make the above happen.

One important thing that we need to keep in mind, is to avoid creating an image that is a copy of someone else you believe already has the qualities you wish to embody.

Your slide must be truly yours.

Now, it’s not about the question of how far you should take this. The questions we may want to ask ourselves are these:

Am I ready to simply choose and allow myself to have?

Am I willing to give myself permission to have?

If you joyfully accept, the positive will never leave you. It’s like the bird feeding itself from your hand. The bird symbolising the desired experiences and the food and your hand as the standing symbol for the will to have and act.

Only you can decide whether you want to fully exercise your rights or not.

Hope you have inspired yourself.

From my heart to yours,




Anne Diederiks

Anne Diederiks — Passionate about the intricacies of language and discovering heart-mind unity in this chaotic, but beautiful world.