Jungle Animals of Costa Rica

Anne DiSessa Pierrat
2 min readFeb 3, 2017
  1. White faced capuchin monkey

2. Anteater (on the branch)

3. Blue-gray Tanager

4. Spider monkey

5. Señor iguana, a daily visitor

6. Passion Flower

7. Banana Tree

The highlight of any jungle trek is discovering our hidden animal friends in their natural habitats.

Corcovado park in the Osa Peninsula of CR contains 13 different types of ecosystems and it has been named by National Geographic "the most biologically intense place on Earth”.

With 2000 local residents and only 100 travelers per day arriving in Drake Bay, the natural wonders of Corcovado Park and adjacent oceanic ecosystems make for a private playground for animal and plant lovers.

Playing very hard here!

Puda Vida

