Review: Nomiku Meals, my secret weapon

As a startup founder & a mom, people love to ask how I do it. This is how.

Anne K. Halsall
4 min readMay 31, 2018

Let me paint a picture for you.

It’s Tuesday night. We just got the kids home from school. Traffic was awful. It’s 6:30pm, the children are tired and hangry, I’m tired and hangry, and we’re about to have a real situation here.

Except I’ve got a stock pot, a Nomiku, and a freezer full of meals. And that’s all I need to get it under control. Here’s how it works.

Step 1: Tap

First I open my freezer. My Nomiku meals grin up at me. These tiny pre-made & pre-portioned vittles are made by chefs using healthy, fresh ingredients (which, by the way, is a big part of how I recently lost 35 pounds). Even better is the fact that they can be combined in any way you want. This is literally the easiest way to deal with cooking for a family who all have different tastes.

Steak and potatoes on a weeknight? YES WE’RE DOING THIS

I grab some Yukon Gold potatoes ($2.95) and a huge, beautiful inch-thick prime ribeye ($21.95). I also add in some pasta primavera ($4.95), because who are we kidding, I have small children. Then I just tap each meal, toss it in the water (no pre-heating necessary) and SOMEHOW (magic??) the Nomiku takes care of the rest, getting it all cooked to perfection in just 30 minutes.

This is my “can you believe this shit will be done in 30 minutes” face.

That’s also my “how the hell is this all so cheap” face. I’ve got a seriously luxe dinner for FOUR people including a STEAK in that pot, all for under $30. On less fancy nights we’re routinely eating food — that I didn’t have to cook, that isn’t processed or full of sodium, that was delivered to my door—for under $5 a plate.

I used to cook from scratch because it was cheaper, but I dunno anymore, man.

Step 2: Serve

The Nomiku sings you a delightful tune when your food is done, something that’s now become a Pavlov’s bell of sorts with my two small children. All you do is fish out the pouch, cut it open, put the food on a plate. It won’t be too hot or unevenly heated. It will be the perfect temperature and ready to eat immediately.

Or almost ready. In my case, it needs just a few finishing touches to pass the tiny human taste test.

No meal is complete without a half pound of parmesan cheese on it.

I also want you to take a moment and clock how perfectly cooked this steak is. I’m a pretty experienced home cook, and I ate low carb for 10 years. I know how to cook a steak.

I cannot get it this perfect. It’s unnatural.

This thing was frozen solid 30 minutes ago but LOOK AT HER NOW.

Presentation matters. Don’t forget the traditional smear of sauce on the plate.

We’re a fine dining establishment here. We anticipate the needs of our guests.

Step 3: Eat

Is the food good? Yeah. It’s good. It’s fresh and delicious and tastes like something I made myself. No other pre-made food is like this, and I’ve tried them all.

Needless to say, my sons murdered this meal. It was a bloodbath.

I don’t even know what happened to Hugo’s fork. He’s just shoving fistfuls of food into his face.

But seriously, you need this thing

I’ve personally been evangelizing Nomiku to busy parents for years. It’s a huge part of my daily routine and it’s been crucial to my weight loss journey as well. Reliance on convenience foods is a real problem for working parents and families. Knowing I have healthy choices at home that the kids will actually eat has removed a major source of anxiety and stress from my life.

If you’ve been on the fence about sous vide cooking, now is the time to try it out. I promise you won’t be disappointed!

But don’t take my word for it! 👉🏼 Go get one of your own! 👈🏼

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