My water, my soulmate: A love poem to my first husband

Anne Koller
2 min readMay 25, 2016


I just returned from the Blue Mind Summit 6 led by Wallace J. Nichols, Author of “Blue Mind”, in Monterey Bay, CA where lovers of water from all walks of life — science, medicine, social impact, surfers, athletes, ocean researchers, artists, authors, adventurers and healers — gathered to speak about and share their work in the “blue mind” space (Watch the incredible talks here).

As I look over my notes from the 1.5 day summit, I reflect on all the talks and stories presented by the speakers and tidbits from engaging conversations over warm meals with fellow participants, and a realization hits me like lightening.

Water is our soulmate.

Described as “a lover” for one, “my first wife” for another, “my best friend” to many, “my teacher” to most, and “my healer” to all, it is an element that we have dedicated our lives to. It is a presence we couldn’t imagine life without. It is the source of jobs, self-realization, peace, romance, friendships, emotional balance and growth. Over and over again, the community of blue minders professed their undying love to water.

Our hearts belong to water. Everything else comes second.

In honor of my new blue minder friends, I profess my love of water to the world and also claim it as my soulmate (I know you will share).

By way of a love poem.

My Water, my soulmate

Love at first site
We dated 9 months
Embracing me
Nourishing me
Coursing through my veins
We took it slow
But it felt like seconds
A painful 4 hour parting
My mind won’t even let me remember
The moment we first separated
It hurt so much
I felt out of place
As if I had lost my home
I didn’t belong in this world without you
I promised to find you again
To always keep you near, never far from me
I knew you were my soulmate
Married 6 months later in a pool in Milwaukee
Mom and Dad were there holding my hands
Like fish to water
Almost lost you again 2 years later
A brother’s love on the verge of a watery death
Plunged into the fear of being around you
Your power frightened me
But I forged on
Fear has nothing on love
You healed me from injury
You challenged me to be strong
You made peace where there was none
You taught me how to keep moving
You reminded me what grace and beauty is
You held me when Daddy’s little girl grieved
You inspired me to be more of me everyday
You proved to me it is okay for me to be here
That I belong on this earth
I die without you
I live through you
Now I will just have to figure out how to tell my future husband, “I would love to marry you. Hope it’s okay if I already am.”
I know you won’t mind.

*For more of my writings on water, check out “The Radical Healing Effects of Water” published by SONIMA Magazine

*Try a guided water meditation in a bathtub, pool or ocean shore



Anne Koller

Author, artist and facilitator celebrating the spectrum of human emotions as the only way to live free.