

There is always hope
that lives within our hearts.

The world may be cold
and dark
but there is always a tiny flame of hope
within us
in the atmosphere,
in each living soul on earth.

There is always a flame of hope burning inside
each and every one of us.

Things will get better, my dear.

And as long as that flame
still flickers
there is a chance
things will change…

Just hold on, my dear.

Hope is what gives us strength
strength to keep going
when everything else seems hopeless

It gets us through
hard times
and in the end
we come out stronger
on the other side

Never give up hope
it is on the horizon
the light at the end of the tunnel
is waiting
for you.



Anne Marie Perreault

Mental Health | Spoonie | Freethinker | Poet | Fledgling Dystopian Author | Cool ass Aunt | Cat Mom | Digital Artist