Understanding Layer 1 and Layer 2 Blockchain Solutions: Exploring Sei’s Revolutionary Approach to Solving Exchange Problems

4 min readJun 5, 2023


Blockchain technology has gained significant attention and adoption in recent years, revolutionizing various industries. To enhance scalability and efficiency, blockchain developers have introduced Layer 1 and Layer 2 solutions. In this article, I will explore the concepts of Layer 1 and Layer 2, their correlation, and delve into the groundbreaking approach of Sei, a Layer 1 platform for trading, in solving exchange problems.

P.S. If you don’t know about Sei (shame on you!), dive into my previous atricles👀

Understanding Layer 1 and Layer 2

Layer 1 and Layer 2 are two essential components of blockchain architecture that aim to address scalability issues and improve transaction throughput. Layer 1 refers to the main blockchain network, which serves as the foundation of a cryptocurrency. It is responsible for handling the core functionalities of the blockchain, including transaction validation, consensus, and security. Layer 1 blockchains, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, operate directly on the main network and process transactions on-chain. They are known for their decentralized nature and their ability to ensure the integrity and immutability of transactions.

On the other hand, Layer 2 solutions are built on top of Layer 1 and offer additional functionalities to enhance scalability. These solutions alleviate the burden on the main blockchain by processing transactions off-chain and then settling them on the Layer 1 blockchain periodically. Layer 2 solutions are known for their ability to improve transaction speed and reduce fees.

Correlation between Layer 1 and Layer 2

Layer 2 solutions rely on Layer 1 blockchains for security and decentralization. They leverage the underlying Layer 1 consensus mechanism, utilizing it as the final arbiter of truth. While Layer 1 blockchains ensure the immutability and security of transactions, Layer 2 solutions enable faster and more cost-effective transactions by handling most of the computational load off-chain.

Hard? Let’s explain it in simple words:

Layer 1 can be compared to a busy main road where all the important transactions take place. It ensures the security and trust of the cryptocurrency system. On the other hand, Layer 2 acts like smaller side streets that help ease the congestion on the main road. It processes transactions separately and then settles them on the main road, making the overall system faster and more efficient.

Both Layer 1 and Layer 2 are essential for the growth and scalability of cryptocurrencies. Layer 1 builds the foundation and infrastructure, while Layer 2 provides additional solutions to handle a large number of transactions. By combining both layers, cryptocurrencies can achieve quicker transactions, lower fees, and improved scalability.

Sounds cool🔥. Is it a perfect system without problems?

Of course not. In the realm of blockchain development, challenges regarding scalability plague various sectors and pathways. Within this domain, one encounters different blockchains, which hold the noble purpose of addressing distinct quandaries. As demand grows, the scalability of trading applications becomes a major challenge on existing Layer 1 and Layer 2 infrastructures. This issue is known as the “Trading Trilemma,” as it is difficult for trading apps to achieve decentralization, scalability, and capital efficiency simultaneously. To overcome these obstacles, a purpose-built infrastructure is necessary to cater to the unique requirements of trading apps, including speed, throughput, reliability, and mitigating the impact of MEV (Miner Extractable Value). This is why I am paying attention to Sei network.

Interesting… What about Sei’s role in it?

Sei enters the picture as a solution that specifically addresses the scalability problem faced by decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and enables trading apps to scale effectively while maintaining decentralization and capital efficiency.

If Sei succeeds, trading apps will no longer have to compromise on decentralization. They will be able to provide a user experience similar to that of traditional Web2 apps while retaining the fundamental benefits of decentralization — trustless, permissionless transactions with proof of ownership and without the risk of censorship.

In conclusion i’d like to say that Sei aims to bridge the gap between scalability and decentralization in trading apps, allowing them to offer a seamless user experience while preserving the core principles of blockchain technology and you can join us in this ecxiting adventure so we can make the greatest blockchain together.

