Writer’s Clay

Carpal Tunnel Relief at Home — No Kidding

Annette Lyon
Writer’s Clay
7 min readMar 12, 2018


A tip from a colleague + the genius of my then 14-year-old led to a simple treatment for carpal tunnel pain without medication or surgery. Seriously.

Photo by Jonathan Perez on Unsplash

Caveat #1: I am not a doctor, and nothing in this piece should be construed to be medical advice. I’m sharing my personal experience in the hopes that it might help others who spend a great deal of time using their keyboards and mice and deal with wrist pain.

Caveat #2: I have not been officially diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. That would require testing and time and money, none of which I feel the need to invest now that I’ve found a way to get relief on my own.

The Discovery

After several months of right-hand wrist pain, I was desperate for relief that didn’t involve popping ibuprofen like candy. I asked the Facebook hive mind for suggestions.

Eventually, a colleague linked to a product she swore by: stretchy, patch-like things you apply to the back of the hand and wear at night for six weeks. You need a new one for each night, and a six-week treatment for one hand costs somewhere around a hundred dollars.

She said they were the only thing that helped her pain, and after a full six-week treatment, she could go a couple of years before…



Annette Lyon
Writer’s Clay

USA Today bestselling, award-winning author. Word nerd. Chocoholic. Mom. Deals, newsletter, books & more: https://taplink.cc/annette.lyon