Writer’s Clay

What Works for Me Won’t Work for You

Then Again, It Might . . .

Annette Lyon
Writer’s Clay
Published in
7 min readJun 26, 2018


Photo by petradr on Unsplash

Most productivity gurus seems to spout the same advice:

  • Get up early every day.
  • Do your most important creative work first thing. (Okay, except for maybe having a caffeine fix before that.)
  • Use willpower to avoid social media.
  • Same with the internet in general; avoid it in the morning because it’ll suck all of the time and energy you could have spent on being productive. (Read: Time and energy you could have spent creating your life’s work! No pressure or anything.)

I’ve heard the same advice over and over, from every source imaginable. Frankly, that advice is downright depressing to me because it doesn’t work.

Not for me.

I am and have always been a night owl. I can get a second wind at ten or eleven in the evening and be incredibly creative and productive for a couple of hours.

But I’ve never, in my entire life, been able to function in the morning beyond the bare minimum required for survival (and the survival and well-being of my children, of course).

We’d been married about six months when my husband asked in exasperation why I was always so mad at him every…



Annette Lyon
Writer’s Clay

USA Today bestselling, award-winning author. Word nerd. Chocoholic. Mom. Deals, newsletter, books & more: https://taplink.cc/annette.lyon