
Anne Won
2 min readMar 5, 2017


Jerusalem’s Walls were rebuilt

Nehemiah 3:1–6:16

This week, we would like to wish a very happy birthday to Brooklyn!

For today’s lesson, we talked about how God led Nehemiah to rebuild the walls. We started off by playing a game where the children unveiled different words under bricks such as bike helmet, bandages, goggles, sunscreen, and rain boots. We discussed how these items help protect us. In the Bible times, the wall around a city was very important too. The wall protected the people by keeping the enemies out. Nehemiah and the people worked together to fix the walls. God always keeps his promises and is faithful. He protected them from their enemies and he keeps us safe too!

Here the kids are holding their wall crafts they made in class

We continued the lesson by having each child add a brick to a wall in the hallway. The children wrote their names on the bricks to show how the people worked together to rebuild the walls.

We had a wonderful class time today with Mr. Scott reviewing last week’s lesson as well as Ms. Karen shadowing in class as she will be teaching next quarter!

