Does it really matter to have an understanding of our mechanics in human reproduction when our fertility is declining per the program?

Annie Hughey
2 min readJun 25, 2024


Who needs this information anyway?

My desire to understand our human reproduction mechanics is entirely selfish. I do not want to be pregnant again in this lifetime. I have had four successful conceptions, full-term pregnancies, and deliveries. After throughly experiencing this within my mind, body, and soul…I am done. Hard stop. 🛑

Motivated by fear, I must find out the truth for myself. Then I will discover if it is even a mechanism that can be dealt with as a preventative measure. I have a theory that learning then teaching men to know when they are fertile could be an incredible game changer for a lot of relationships. This could be an equalizer on the psyche of women, since historical they have been the main individual responsible for birth control and that carry the entire burden physically, if energy convergence is achieved.

The nodal shift coming on January 31, 2025, will put in the consistent energy of channel of mating because of my hanging 59.2. All my pregnancies have had a transit in the 6th gate to thank for their catalyst. This past pattern of personal conception and the knowledge of future transits carries the potential to be an empowerment tool for me.

The baby boomer era (1946–1964) is proof of what a transit can accomplish in the way of population increase. Or decrease. Planets squatting in gates 59, 6, or both for extended periods cannot be denied.

As for the future of our fertility, through a global cycle lens, it is slowing down for a reason. A mutation in our solar plexus center has some very specialized vehicles (bodies/individuals) preparing to deliver a new species earthside. I will describe this newcomer at the end of this series and how the program will be focused on them beginning in year 2027.

Just a little personal interlude prior to the incarnation section. Thanks for tagging along.

Annie 💙



Annie Hughey

Documenting experiments in HD + GK. Currently into the Design of Pregnancy + GK 45.