Upwork’s Flaws Exposed: Why Freelancers Should Opt for Different Paths

Annie K
4 min readJun 11, 2023


Photo by StartupStockPhotos on Pixaby

Hey freelancers, let’s chat about an important topic that can save you some valuable time and energy: why Upwork might not be the best fit for us. Now, don’t worry, I’m not here to rain on anyone’s parade or discourage your freelance aspirations, but I believe in sharing honest insights to help each other make informed decisions. So, if you’re thinking about diving into the Upwork pool, hold up! From my own experiences and those of fellow freelancers, it’s become pretty clear that this platform can be a major time-suck and a never-ending source of frustration. Let’s dive in and discover why Upwork might not be the freelancing wonderland you hoped for.

Lack of Quality Clients and Low-Paying Gigs

Upwork is filled with scammers these days, and I blame the platform’s inefficient vetting process for this problem. Not to mention, there is a significant lack of quality clients and the prevalence of low-paying gigs. It’s like searching for a needle in a haystack to find clients who truly value your skills and are willing to pay a fair rate. Most of the gigs on Upwork pay peanuts, and it’s a race to the bottom with freelancers undercutting each other just to snag a gig. It’s frustrating, to say the least. You deserve clients who appreciate your mad skills and are willing to pay a fair rate, but on Upwork, it’s a never-ending struggle to find those unicorns in a sea of low-paying gigs that make you question if your talents are even worth it. Trust me, you deserve better than that, my friend.

Fierce Competition and Oversaturated Marketplace

The marketplace is bursting at the seams with freelancers from every corner of the globe, all vying for the same gigs. It’s like a never-ending game of freelancing Hunger Games, except instead of bows and arrows, we’re armed with our killer portfolios and snappy cover letters. Standing out in this sea of competition is tougher than finding a parking spot at a crowded mall on a Saturday afternoon. You’ll be swimming with sharks, my friend, and you gotta fight tooth and nail to get noticed. If you’re not ready to hustle hard and constantly one-up your competitors, Upwork might just be a circus you’d rather skip.

Upwork’s Fee Structure Eats Into Your Earnings

Now let’s talk about the cold hard cash, or rather, the lack of it, thanks to Upwork’s fee structure. Upwork takes a chunk out of your hard-earned money like a hungry gremlin munching on your paycheck. They slap you with fees left and right, making you feel like you’re in some kind of twisted freelancing tax nightmare. It’s like they’re playing the role of the ultimate penny-pincher, leaving you with a fraction of what you truly deserve. If you’re dreaming of making it rain and living that sweet freelancing life, be prepared for Upwork to rain on your parade and hold you back from reaching your full earning potential.

Lack of Control and Dependence

Picture this: you’re a freelancer, you want to be your own boss, call the shots, and work on your terms. But guess what? Upwork has other ideas. You’re like a puppet on their digital strings, dancing to their tune. They control the platform, the rules, and even how you communicate with clients. You’re basically at their mercy, my friend. It’s like being stuck in a never-ending cycle of playing by their rules and hoping they don’t change them overnight. And the worst part? You’re constantly at the risk of getting your account suspended or banned, with no real say in the matter. So, if you’re dreaming of true freedom and being in charge of your freelancing destiny, Upwork might just have you feeling like a caged bird instead of a soaring entrepreneur.

Exploring Better Alternatives for Freelancing Success

Trust me, there’s a whole world of opportunities out there that don’t involve relying solely on those overcrowded platforms. First things first, it’s all about building your personal brand and online presence. Showcasing your skills through a killer portfolio website, networking on social media, and creating engaging content can attract clients like bees to honey. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and reach out directly to potential clients. Cold emailing might sound daunting, but hey, fortune favors the bold, right? And don’t forget the power of good old word-of-mouth. Tap into your existing network, let your friends and family know you’re available for gigs, and ask for referrals. Remember, the freelance world is your oyster, and with a little hustle, creativity, and resourcefulness, you can find gig goldmines beyond the limitations of those marketplace giants.

