creative by Rock Candy Media


Annie Liao Jones
11 min readJul 3, 2020


Hey guys,

This started off as an email, but before I hit ‘send’ I thought to myself that even if maybe someone needed an explanation ‘out there’, they’d be unlikely to find one of reason. For some reason, everything is ‘major’ or ‘not at all’ so still question It All.

I want you guys to know where I’m at. After phone calls with other employers & job creators, there’s a very real sense of ‘out there’ getting closer but it’s still too far to get a sense of what it is ‘in here’. There are leadership-themed books now littering my desk that have the same ‘cringe-y’ feeling that those books people actually are buying about racism. Really? Really. It’s like you guys won a bet and now I have to watch American Idol on repeat.

These ‘leadership books’ all say pretty much the same thing: Act brave for your employees. I say: No. Acting is pretending. I can’t play pretend on the regular, let alone purposefully. I knew when acting was acting and for me, it was in a singular hour on a singular day of the week, but I only loved it as a class. And that’s what might be cool with right Now. If you thought you didn’t stand for anything before, I have a hunch for finding a lot of Big Things you definitely know you’re not down with Now.

Authenticity is not a behavior Zuck. And dude, do you remember our #suckitzuck campaign almost…

