Annie Liao Jones
3 min readJun 11, 2020
The Macro, Micro Agency

What has been disconcerting about what we shall all call “This,” is either one or another is happening, and possibly both simultaneously: Zoom is behind it all. Or the one-word entity name, once unquantifiable, is now what category marketers like myself, have suspected to be true all along. When it comes to content marketing, the fewer words you can say something in, the better it performs. If — and this is a big if — the brand build is done right.

There has to be fluidity between the digital ad itself and the authoritative voice that gives the ad more value in it’s a more urgent appeal.

Zoom, I’ve got your number. What has remained consistent is that you were dominating a highly saturated market, and somehow I became a customer after using Uberconference for years although I can’t remember exactly why. But how you became the “familiar thing” that even celebrity gossip rags are using left and right? Color me impressed. No one says, “Hey let’s get on Hangout.” Do they?

But why are people not saying Skype, which is one word as well? Skype, there is hope for you yet as people aren’t saying they’re ‘zooming’ yet, which would be the equivalent of telling someone you’re ‘googling’ something. Or are they? At what point does a brand reach the coveted “Kleenex” or “Xerox” space where the brand is the defining umbrella…

