Annie Padgett
3 min readJun 15, 2023


Being part of a community is part of the magic of being human, and living on this planet. A community is a group of like-minded people who come together for a purpose, goal, or experience. This might be a church community, sharing a religion. A neighborhood community, helping each other out to look after each other and where they live. Or it might be a community coming together for a goal, such as to improve their mental health or lose weight.

The benefits of being part of a community are numerous!

1) Access to support:

From a number of people of different backgrounds. This widens your network so that you don’t just have family or close friends to call on when you need guidance, but the whole wealth of experience in your community.

2) Accountability:

People who are there to hold you to your promises to yourself, and sometimes to the group as well, to pick you up when you lose motivation and celebrate with you when you achieve your goals.

3) Inspiration and empowerment to act themselves:

The ability to watch people further along their journey than you, who overcome the challenges they face and succeed, that then inspire you forward.

4) Sharing of ideas and resources:

Giving of tips, tricks, and suggestions and sharing of tools, materials, equipment and resources within the group.

5) Learning from one another:

From each other’s successes and mistakes and finding a way to move forward together, and when we are apart from the community.

6) Connection and strong relationships:

Widening your network of contacts and supportive people, improving your overall well-being, happiness, and contentment.

7) Improved mental well-being and sense of belonging:

Feeling part of a community makes you feel you are not alone, you are important, and valued and you have a clear identity within, and as a part of that community, that bolsters your confidence.

8) Creativity and joy in exploring shared passions:

The pure fun of enjoying a shared activity, passion, faith, or hobby together- and being able to talk about it as much as you like within that community, without anyone getting sick of it!

I could go on! 😵 💫

We sometimes forget, with the rise of social media and working from home, that belonging to a club, group or community can bring us so much joy! 😄 We find our TRIBE. A tribe full of people that GET us, people on our side, people who will pick us up when we fall, celebrate with us when we achieve, back us when we are not sure, and advise us when we have problems. 🥳

This is what I aim to create in my group programme, launching very shortly, in September. I want to create a loving, supportive community of like-minded busy mums, who are looking to make positive health and lifestyle changes, but just need some backing! 🙌

I can’t wait!

Who’s in? 💜

Contact me on socials or via:

if you want to know more.

Love Annie x