Annie Pamela
4 min readJun 16, 2019

Have you ever consider moving to another nation or district? Have you at any point been misled by a specialist or outsider over the span of relocating to another area? Have you ever consider relocating at a lower cost? On the off chance that yes I think the deliverer we have all been pausing and anxious to see has come. Another blockchain stage that will convey all vagrant from trick and free all transients from stress experienced during relocation has comes. The name of this stage is MIGRANET.

Blockchain innovation as we have all known is a most recent and best innovation as of late in all segment have received its utilization and recorded a positive development. It is this equivalent innovation MIGRANET has chosen to use to free the transient from every one of the tricksters and outsider rendering a trick administrations to individuals and voyagers around the world. Individuals dependably trust it is difficult and too impractical to travel and do documentation all alone which this accepts has driven them to the administrations of outsider specialists who are either tricksters or clumsy.

A lot have been lost to scammers all in the name of migrating from one region to another. Some third-party services have duped their customer’s huge amount of money which can never be recovered. This is why I believed MIGRANET platform is the savior the people have been waiting for because it has come with an advanced features to revolutionize the whole migration industries and likewise imp[rove migration processes.

Whenever I remembered what happened to me some years back I always felt bad because of the huge amount of money I lost to third-party services all in the name of processing and documentation in which at the end of the day none of the documents provided was valid and up till today the agent was nowhere to be found. If only I have known MIGRANET platform by that time I believed my problems would have been averted. As the MIGRANET stage has watched the entire relocation procedure is broken and it’s really should be fixed which is unquestionably valid and I accepted in the event that every one of the issues recorded above could ever be tackled and dodged, at that point voyagers and vagrants needs to begin considering MIGRANET stage which is a blockchain based stage. One beneficial thing about a blockchain based stage is that clients and individuals dependably have full opportunity, access and controls dissimilar to their partner that didn’t base on blockchain organize.

MIGRANET stage has acquainted various highlights and administrations with be rendered to its clients and clients to make relocation simple for one and all. Some portion of the new highlights is the presentation of free appraisal by the master in the stage to weighed various choices accessible for the transients.

Transient’s reports and individual subtleties are exceptionally verified on the blockchain organize against what we do involvement on the other stage out there. Security of transient’s reports and individual subtleties is one of the need of MIGRANET stage in which I accepted each vagrant will be glad to find out about the wellbeing of their records.

MIGRANET stage charges practically zero expenses for the entire relocation and documentation process not at all like what is been knowledgeable about the other movement stage. MIGRANET has chosen to chop down the entire movement expenses by 90% of what others charges in which I accepted vagrants will likewise be glad about the decrease.

MIGRANET provides high level of transparency in the whole migration and documentation processes and migrants will have full access details of the migration and how it’s been done. The use of blockchain smart contracts by MIGRANET platform will definitely protect the migrants from all form of scams and malpractices.

MIGRANET has also launched its own token which is to be used as payment fees in the platform. All what migrants need to do is just to get a hold of MIGRANET token and use it to pay for the processing fees. More information about the token and its sales will be summarized below


Token Symbol => MIG

Blockchain Network => ERC20

Token Supply => 850,000,000 MIG

Circulating Supply => 510,000,000 MIG

Soft-Cap => $20,000,000

Hard-Cap => $75,000,000


60% Allocated to Public Sales

30% Allocated to Reserve

5.5% Allocated to Team

2.5% Allocated to Advisors

2% Allocated to Bounty


30% Allocated to Platform Development

21% Allocated to Recruitment & Compensation

18% Allocated to Marketing, Media and Events

17% Allocated to Reserve

10% Allocated to Admin, Security & Audit

4% Allocated to Legal

To get more relevant details from the MIGRANET project or join social media and sales crowds, please follow some sources for the following references:

Official Website:https://migranet.io/

Whitepaper: https://migranet.io/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Migranet-Whitepaper-v.1.1.10.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/migranet888/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/migranet1

Telegram: https://t.me//migranet

Medium: https://medium.com/migranet

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/migranet/

author : CryptoBD
ERC20 :

