Synchronicities — How To Decipher Them To Make Decisions.

Andre Frank
3 min readJul 3, 2023


Two notable coincidences. Look at how this water bottle and Perrier bottle are arranged in this photo from a webinar mastermind.

As he is facing his computer on his left hand side — water on his right and Perrier on his left.

From my perspective the Perrier bottle is on the right, and water on the left. From Charlies perspective he has it reversed, Perrier bottle on his left and water bottle on the right. So as I am sitting and eating, watching this video This is what I see.

The exact same setup, on left side of the computer a Perrier and water bottle.

So I see from my perspective exactly what I see on the screen, water on the left and Perrier on the right. Sitting at the computer would see what Charlie Sees, it is a double whammy, I see what the screen displays in terms of arrangement of water and carbonated water, yet the setup up is the same — on the left hand of my computer is a water bottle on the right and Perrier bottle on the left.

This is the exact same setup I had before even watching the video. They say great minds think alike… So quite the coincidence, especially because I don’t drink the carbonated Perrier very often, I had just recently decided to have one after that bottle of water (why it was still unopened).

Another interesting coincidence ties into something I have posted about previously. It has to do with Dan Kennedy writing about mom bloggers in the first backlog issue of his newsletter I decided to print and read.

Reading through Sabri Suby’s book, he goes on to mention ‘Mum’ bloggers as an example when he talks about identifying your dream customer. And my first target demographic for a certain campaign has been mom bloggers!

Two more “Mom Bloggers” To add to my list, Rockin Mama and Mamavation

Two “mom” bloggers that I have yet to reached out to, two more leads. These little coincidences are more than just neat happenings and alignments.

Was inquiring about a list of mom bloggers recently. This was the response.

500$ it says on the last line their. A bit more than I could manage for 900 influencers in the space.

Had a counter offer to him and he came all the way down to this.

350$ off is not too bad, still thought I could get more…

Having listened to ‘The Secrets of Power Negotiating’ by Robert Dawson, if he was willing to go down that much I wonder howmuch lower he could have gone down. Wish I would have used another negoiation tactic such as appeal to a higher authority. “Well that is a nice offer, let me talk with the owner to see if he will accept it….. I’m embarrassed to say this but he wouldn’t accept anything over 100$, the people in this space are notoriously unresponsive” Or something along those lines to see if he would come down anymore before taking the offer.

Didn’t want to offend the guy for making such a “good deal” even though he probably over priced all of them initially.

The synchronicity that reminded me of the last synchronicity serves to make the decision to purchase this list. This is a great example of how synchronicities not only affirm decisions you have made, but can guide you on decisions you need to make to continue on the path you have chosen. This is the power of noticing these things and being aware of them.

