My 3 Top Sites For ADHD Resources

Alex Massey
2 min readJul 19, 2018


ALT TEXT: Woman drinking a coffee, staring at a laptop. Her hand hovers over the keyboard. She sits in front of a window, that is looking out over a blurry city.

Quick, tell me the last 5 things you started, but didn’t finish because you got distracted halfwa-… Ok. They’re gone. If you have ADHD, that probably happened this morning. Or yesterday. So, while the neurotypicals are off trying to remember the past month, let’s have a chat.

I was diagnosed about 8 months ago. My medical team has been helpful but there’s a lot of things they’re not aware of, and just don’t care about. They’re mostly neurotypical themselves. The internet and other folks with ADHD are my best sources for information.

If you’ve not dug too far into online ADHD info because you’re afraid of overthinking it, here’s some great targeted sources that can help those newly diagnosed and old-hats:

  1. @ADDitudeMag ADDitude has articles written by academic researchers, clinicians, parents, & children with ADHD. It’s helped me learn so much about how my brain and body function.
  2. @HowtoADHD Originating from Jessica McCabe’s Youtube channel, How to ADHD gives practical advice and real life experience. As an AFAB ADHD folk, it’s helped explain a lot of symptoms that just are not covered by AMAB/masc folk.
  3. @TheMightySite The Mighty is a digital health community created to empower and connect people facing health challenges and disabilities. It’s like Medium, and has heaps of article written by folks with ADHD and other neurodivergencies.

ADHD can be frustrating, confusing, and just plain weird sometimes. We’re wired differently. If the people teaching us the schematics of our brains are neurotypical, they will miss things. I hope these help you learn more about your wiring.

If you have any resources you want to share with other neurodivergents, please leave a comment below! And remember to clap for this article if it helped you.

P.S. Have you remembered your meds today?



Alex Massey

Word summoner and queer researchtrix. Dresses like a punk poet. Wishes they were a medieval alchemist. Editor & Curator of the Story Seed Vault [they/them]