How Many Mail Order Marriages End in Divorce?

Ann Young
9 min readNov 21, 2023


How Many Mail Order Marriages End in Divorce?

When it comes to Mail Order Marriages, there are many myths and facts that people tend to confuse. One of the most frequently asked questions is — how many mail order marriages end in divorce?

In this comprehensive analysis, we will delve into the statistics and realities of mail order marriages, debunking myths and presenting the facts.

According to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) reports, mail order bride marriages have a lower divorce rate than the nation as a whole. Around 80% of these marriages have lasted over the years for which reports are available.

Understanding mail order marriages

Firstly, it’s essential to understand what mail order marriages are. These are unions where one or both parties have met their spouse through a service or agency that facilitates marriages between individuals from different countries.

Often, these relationships begin with correspondence and can lead to in-person meetings and eventual marriage.

mail order marriage

Divorce rates in mail order marriages

Contrary to popular belief, the divorce rates in mail order marriages are not significantly higher than those of traditional marriages.

According to a study conducted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, such marriages have a lower divorce rate than the national average in the United States.

This might be surprising to many, considering the common misconceptions that surround these types of marriages.

Factors influencing the stability of mail order marriages

Several factors contribute to the stability of mail order marriages:

  1. Cultural differences and adaptation. Couples in mail order marriages often face the challenge of bridging cultural differences. This can lead to a stronger bond as partners learn and adapt to each other’s cultures.
  2. Communication and commitment. Effective communication is a cornerstone of any successful marriage. Mail order couples often start their relationships through in-depth correspondence, laying a solid foundation for future communication.
  3. Mutual expectations and goals. Many mail order marriages are based on clear expectations and shared life goals, which can play a significant role in the longevity of the marriage.

The role of mail order bride sites

Mail-order bride websites play a vital role in facilitating these unions. Reputable services ensure that individuals are genuinely interested in finding a life partner and provide support throughout the process.

It’s important to choose a legitimate and ethical service to avoid scams and ensure a positive experience.

Recommended mail order brides srevices

Mail order bride services are online platforms that connect men from different countries with women from foreign countries who are looking for a marriage partner.

A recommended list of online dating sites can be extremely helpful for those who are looking for a reliable and trustworthy platform to explore their options.

  1. SofiaDate
SofiaDate site

SofiaDate is an online dating site that focuses on connecting individuals from different parts of the world, primarily Western men with women from Eastern Europe.

The site is known for its user-friendly interface and a wide range of communication tools, including messaging, video calls, and gift delivery services. It emphasizes user safety and verification processes to ensure genuine interactions.

2. La-Date

La-Date is another popular service in the realm of international dating, catering to those seeking relationships with Latin American women.

The site offers various features for interaction, like chat and email, and also provides translation services to bridge language barriers. It is appreciated for its vibrant user base and attention to member experience.

3. BravoDate

This service is specifically tailored for men interested in connecting with Slavic women. BravoDate offers a comprehensive array of services, including correspondence, live chat, and video communication.

The site stands out for its detailed profiles, high-quality photos, and a focus on helping users find serious, long-term relationships.

Debunking common myths

There are several myths about mail order marriages that need to be addressed:

  • Myth — These marriages are always forced or exploitative: The truth is that most individuals involved in mail order marriages are consenting adults seeking a life partner.
  • Myth 2 — Mail order marriages are doomed to fail: As discussed, the divorce rates in these marriages are often lower than national averages.
  • Myth 3 — Such relationships are superficial: Many mail order marriages are built on deep emotional connections and shared values.
  • Myth 4 — Differences ruin the marriage: Conflicts and divorces are not primarily caused by differences. Society has become more accepting and open-minded, which has influenced family dynamics.

In the United States, only 30% of individuals desire their spouses to share the same moral values and religious beliefs.

Additionally, a mere 7% of men prefer to marry someone with the same racial and ethnic background.

Why mail order brides so popular among men?

Mail order brides have gained immense popularity among men for several reasons. They offer a convenient way for men to find a life partner.

With the advent of the internet, men can easily browse through numerous profiles of potential brides from different countries and choose one that suits their preferences.

This saves them the time and effort required in traditional dating methods.

Another reason for the popularity of mail order brides is the cost-effectiveness. Compared to spending on numerous dates and gifts in traditional dating, the expenses involved in finding a mail order bride are considerably lower.

Men can simply pay for a membership on a reputable mail order bride website and start communicating with potential matches.

One of the key attractions of mail order brides is the access to diverse cultures that they offer. Men are often drawn to the idea of having a partner from a different country as it opens up opportunities to explore a new culture and acquire a broader perspective on life.

This cultural diversity adds excitement to a relationship and keeps it interesting.

Mail order brides provide men with the opportunity to build a family with someone from another country. This allows them to experience the joys and challenges of intercultural parenting, creating a unique family environment.

The convenience, cost-effectiveness, access to diverse cultures, and potential for building a family with someone from another country are the main reasons why mail order brides have become so popular among men.

The typical portrait of a mail order bride

The typical portrait of a mail order bride varies depending on various factors such as age range, geographic origins, education level, values, and purpose of being on mail order bride sites.

  • Firstly, the average age range of mail order brides usually falls between 20 to 35 years old. Majority of them are in their twenties and early thirties, seeking stability and a better life.
  • Geographically, foreign brides often come from countries like Russia, Ukraine, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. The mail order bride industry has expanded to include women from various other countries as well.
  • Education level varies among mail order brides. While some possess high levels of education, others may have only completed basic education. This diversity reflects the different socio-economic backgrounds of these women.
  • When it comes to values, mail order brides tend to prioritize family, loyalty, and commitment. Many of these foreign brides seek partners who can provide them with love, security, and support. They often value traditional gender roles and are willing to relocate to start a new life with their spouse.
  • The purpose of being on mail order bride sites is primarily to find a suitable partner and improve their living conditions. Economic and personal reasons often drive them to explore this avenue. These women are looking for someone who can offer them a better life, financial stability, and emotional fulfillment.

The typical portrait of a mail order bride includes an age range between 20 to 35, diverse geographic origins, varying education levels, family-oriented values, and the purpose of seeking a better life and partner on mail order bride sites.

Mail order marriage statistics by country

Mail order brides have become a significant phenomenon in today’s globalized world, with individuals seeking love and companionship beyond borders.

To gain a better understanding of mail order marriage statistics, it is crucial to analyze the data collected from various regions worldwide.

The collection of mail order brides’ statistics is a complex process that involves analyzing factors such as the number of K-1 visas issued by the United States government.

The K-1 visa allows foreign women of US citizens to enter the country and marry within 90 days. By examining the number of new K-1 visa holders, we can gain insights into the popularity of mail order brides from different countries.

In Latin America, the top countries that contribute to mail order marriages are Colombia, Brazil, and the Dominican Republic. These countries have seen a substantial number of their citizens obtaining K-1 visas in recent years.

In Eastern Europe, Ukraine, Russia, and Moldova are renowned for being the top countries with mail order brides.

In Asia, the Philippines, Thailand, and China are the frontrunners in terms of mail order marriages.

To provide a more detailed breakdown of mail order brides statistics, let’s take a closer look at the number of new K-1 visa holders from specific countries.

  • In Latin America, Colombia recorded the highest number with 1,685 new K-1 visa holders, followed by Brazil with 1,249 and the Dominican Republic with 874.
  • In Eastern Europe, Ukraine had the highest number with 2,563 new K-1 visa holders, followed by Russia with 1,987 and Moldova with 965.
  • In Asia, the Philippines topped the list with 3,521 new K-1 visa holders, followed by Thailand with 1,247 and China with 1,075.

Analyzing mail order bride statistics by country reveals the preferences and trends among individuals seeking cross-border marriages.

By examining the number of new K-1 visa holders, we can gain insights into the top countries for mail order brides in Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Asia, with Colombia, Ukraine, and the Philippines being the primary contributors respectively.

Legal aspects and immigration

Understanding the legalities surrounding mail order marriages is crucial. These often involve immigration laws and regulations, especially when one partner is not a citizen of the country they plan to reside in.

Couples should be well-informed about visa processes and marital laws in their respective countries.


Mail order marriages, contrary to popular belief, have a lower divorce rate than traditional marriages. They are often based on strong communication, mutual goals, and a willingness to embrace cultural differences.

While it’s essential to approach these marriages with a clear understanding of the challenges and realities, they can lead to fulfilling and enduring partnerships.

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