7 Questions That Help You Understand Who You Are

Anna Syropiatova
3 min readJul 30, 2018
Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

When we ask ourselves “Who am I?”, the answer usually does not pop up quickly. Most of the time, we do not even realise how far we are from this answer. The truth is we are too scared to get to know ourselves because it makes us closer to our insecurities.

My last semester at the University of Queensland has started, and I am very excited to share with you one of the tasks for the course ‘Entrepreneurship Incubator’. It will give you seven questions that will help overcome the fear of knowing yourself.

I hope my answers will inspire you to write your own story.

1. Describe your best strengths

I think my best strengths refer to analytical skills. They include communication, creativity, critical thinking, data analysis, and research. For example, I am a great listener because people usually say they enjoy talking to me and feel inspired after the conversation. Besides, I am good at organising people, whether it is teamwork at a university or a road trip with friends. I am also able to evaluate information and to make decisions that help to solve existing problems. Moreover, I am good at researching different topics and understanding them quickly, which enables me to do the tasks related to a big range of fields.



Anna Syropiatova

Inspiring stories about social entrepreneurs and my insights about life.