3 min readJul 19, 2016


Please read the constitution, the bill of rights, median voter theory, Maslows heirarchy of needs, the utalitarian theory of executive office (only been used twice in American history- Kosovo and Libya) then explain why Obama wrote an executive order NDAA2012 that denies haebus corpus and can imprison Americans indefinitely. What about Posse Comitatus? The non decision of the WPR + Goldwater v Carter shifted the responsibility back on to the people to decide when the president is abusing executive power except it’s impossible now. You should read about Coup proofing. You should also read about superpredator, welfare reform, her position on sending anchor babies back to die and how she feels about getting money from countries that kill Jews, gays and don’t let women learn. Her opponent needs no money to get his message across using mediums available to almost every American, but she needs millions. She doesn’t let the press fly with her? What about how she hasn’t had a press conference in 9 months? Why doesn’t she get up in front of Americans and tell us how she feels?

I am very confused because I think she believes government works like the private sector. In a democratic republic, we elect a president who represents the views of the majority of people. Change happens from the bottom. We do not live in a direct democracy. We live in a representative democracy where leaders determine change and can only force resistance from movements. She has no strategic narrative. Where is she from? In a corporation, a president has the most experience and has done every job. If we elect a leader that is anointed by a president and top donors, that is a monarchy, not an effective democractic system. Trump & Sanders are signs of a very healthy democracy. HRC is the sign of an oligarchy. Brookings and the Southern Poverty Law center recently released reports on voter participation and Yale Law Review has studied what a Constitutional Dictatorship would look like. The RAND corporation studied Coup-proofing and after Turkeys failed coup it is more evidence that the United States is becoming more like a middle eastern county since the democrats did not give the voters another option. In addition, her experience and connections to the media are bringing us closer to an authoritarian regime. This is frightening. It doesn’t matter so much what Trump and Sanders say, because they have less influence. They were elected by the people. The president is not allowed to create policy. However, she has declared that she will amend the constitution within the first 100 days to overturn citizens United? What’s next? Only the Supreme Court can overturn a decision. Only congress can draft an amendment. Her proposal doesn’t make any sense. The president doesn’t have that power. Why would she pivot to this position now? Why didn’t she decide to take this position earlier? She could have said this before she needed money to force resistance and tell Americans that she was our only choice. In America, we are all created equal. She could have run in Arkansas, she didn’t have to be Secretary of State- she could have toured the world and met with leaders and raised awareness with the Clinton Foundation. I am not suggesting she stay at home, I am asking why she believes she is above the rules. What is the primary focus of the Clinton Foundation? Is it children? Is it health? Where does the money for her campaign go? So far, it is broadcasting Trumps rhetoric to children and the story of a white architect who is not a “forgotten man” in America. Millions of Americans live on less than $2 a day. So is this money her staffers spend millions of dollars on every day drafting emails asking for money just a PR campaign to convince us she didn’t break the law? To protect her image? To pay for her lawyers? To pay for her secret service? While millions of Americans aren’t surviving? She didn’t have to do this. I hope that world peace is going to happen. So far I have no evidence that millions of jobs have been created. All I see is tax payer money being spent to clean up her messes and the country is getting worse. When do things start getting better or do we have to start worrying about her reelection campaign when she wins? She could stay home and could have mentored someone else for the job.

