
Silence Feelings
1 min readJun 7, 2023

It’s ok to be irresponsible some time. It will give you happiness, relax from so many worries, tensions, and sorrows. Don’t pay your attention towards what the whole world says, do whatever which your heart says. Sometimes we will take such decision because of others, as some people are always forcing us to do something which we never want to do. Don’t take decisions on the other’s opinions. Always, do it when you are fully ready or prepare to do it. When, you will be ready to come out from your fear and perfectly prepare to take responsibilities than you feel really happy with the heart and soul. Whenever, you feel impatient/ hopeless/ depressed, just take a break! create a thought! make it strong! and at last just walk on the way! Then, everyone sees your capabilities and abilities to achieve something.

Being irresponsible do not always make us lazy, sometimes it makes us strong to handle the pressure and tensions.

Don’t take stress! Don’t depress!

Problems come & Problems out,
But the life always going
on! 😊



Silence Feelings

Some feelings that we can't share to everyone..........