我想要變強,所以要把該做的事當成興趣 I want to become stronger, so I need to treat the things I must do as interests.我想要變強,但我不知道該怎麼做。I want to become stronger, but I don’t know how to do it.Sep 192Sep 192
《從零到一》最後三章的心得總結昨天六點醒了睡不著,於是看完了《從零到一》。雖然是很引人入勝的書,但隔了太久才把最後幾個章節看完,很難主動從腦中提取前面的內容,便從詹雨安的重點筆記複習了一下。昨天看的章節有〈潔淨科技與特斯拉〉、〈創業家無可取代的特質〉、〈打造更美好的未來〉,先從此三章開始記錄心得。Sep 15Sep 15
Dynamic Array ImplementationIn order to practice the usage of pointer in Golang, I asked ChatGPT to assign me a small project. Below is the code and some explanations.Sep 8Sep 8
Moving in with someone you’ve been in love with for a loooong timeMoving in with someone you’ve been in love with for a loooong time is almost the happiest thing for me to do, even if they’re separated for…Jun 16Jun 16
指甲讓包著柔軟的肉的指甲由其他人修剪,而他們甚至並沒有為其他人這麼服務的經驗,手倒還好,腳則是平常不見光、私密至極的部位,融合了極端親近與信任的這一舉動,乃至現在,我談起時仍會有血液湧上雙頰。Jun 14Jun 14
The thoHaving an open mind means making a tiny universe in your head (or on paper), which has an endless problem to discover and solve.Jun 13Jun 13
Meeting My Idol OnlineI couldn’t help it but have a strong crash on this guy. Nope, not this guy. It’s his brain.Jun 12Jun 12
七日書 後記我還是嚮往能有人一層一層剝開我以文字設下的密碼,我想要有人走進來,拍拍我的肩膀,告訴我辛苦了,我願意陪著你。這才是我寫作的初衷,想要被人理解,想要對那些一樣不被理解的人說,儘管這裡很黑,我也在這。Jun 11Jun 11